Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Horror & Urban Fantasy Reading Challenge 2011

  Book Chic City is hosting this reading challenge. Is it 2011 yet? No? Drat! I have to wait a few more weeks *sigh*. Anyway, below are the details.

Challenge Details

* Timeline: 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011

* Rules: To read TWENTY FOUR (24) horror & urban fantasy novels in 2011 (24 is the minimum but you can read more if you wish!)

* You don't have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront you can change them, nothing is set in stone! The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.

* You can join anytime between now and the later part of next year.

* At the beginning of Jan 2011, you will find a link to add your reviews.

For more information and to sign up, visit Book Chick City's blog

  I haven't decided what books I'll read for this challenge, but I'll post them as soon as I choose them.
  1. Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione
  2. ;American Vampire by Jennifer Armintrout
  3. The Warlord Wants Forever - Kresley Cole
  4. A Hunger Like No Other - Kresley Cole
  5. No Rest for the Wicked - Kresley Cole
  6. Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night - Kresley Cole
  7. Dark Needs at Night's Edge - Kresley Cole
  8. Dark Desires After Dusk - Kresley Cole
  9. Kiss of a Demon King - Kresley Cole
  10. Deep Kiss of Winter - Kresley Cole
  11. Pleasure of a Dark Prince - Kresley Cole
  12. Demon from the Dark - Kresley Cole
  13. Dreams of a Dark Warrior - Kresley Cole
  14. Retribution - Sherrilyn Kenyon
  15. The Guardian - Sherrilyn Kenyon