Thursday, February 10, 2011

Book around the world Reading challenge

Last week, while I was at a bookshop near my house I realized I was into a "I don't know what to read" phase. I know what I have to read and what I want to read. But it's one of those phases when nothing appeals to you. So in order to escape this weird step I decided to try something new, something I've never did before: a world tour in books. I decided to read books written by authors that I've never tried before, from different countries/cultures.

So I started searching on the internet and I found this blog that holds a challenge like the one I had in mind. I may not be able to "visit" the whole world this year, but I think it's a start. It's sort of a "never-ending" challenge.

I'm going to post a list of the books I've read and their authors and countries of origin as I read them.

This week's stop was Italy. I had a lot of fun. I'll be posting the review later in the day.

What about you? What do you do when you enter a phase like this and what's your method to get out of it?

  1. Italy - Three meters above the sky - Federico Moccia
  2. France - Premier Jour - Marc Levy
  3. Russia - Casual - Oksana Robski


  1. I think that's a really neat idea. It's always fun to learn about new places and new cultures and besides visiting there is no better way than through novels.

  2. Exactly! Plus, I kind of wanted a change of sorts. Not that I'll give up reading the authors that I've come to love and reread countless times, but I felt the need to try something new as well.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Lisa!
