Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall Into Reading

Fall Into Reading is a fun, no-pressure challenge hosted by Callapidder Days. Here are the guidelines:

Make a list of books you want to read (or finish reading) this fall. Your list can be as long or as short as you’d like.

Write a blog post containing your list and submit it to this post using the Mr. Linky below.

Get reading! The challenge goes from today, September 23rd, through December 21st.

Check out other participants’ lists and add to your own to-read-someday pile, if you wish!

Write a post about your challenge experience in December, telling us all about whether you reached your goals and how Fall Into Reading went for you. But remember: this is a low-pressure challenge that should be fun. As long as you do some reading this fall (and enjoy it!), that’s good enough for me.

I haven't decided on all the books I want to read this fall, but here's the list so far:

  1. The Shakespeare Secret - Jennifer Lee Carrell : a re-read, but I loved this book so much, I can't help myself!
  2. Dead In the Family - Charlaine Harris : I've postponed reading this book for far too long. Maybe it's not as good as the earlier Sookie Stackhouse books, but I'll try it again...
  3. Heat Wave - Richard Castle : I really love the TV show and this book has been sitting on my shelf for a few months now. I'm ready to see if the books are anything like the show.
  4. Slave to Sensation - Nalini Singh : I've heard a lot of good stuff about these books, so my curiosity is finally getting the better of me. Again.
  5. Tall, Dark & Dead - Tate Hallaway : What can I say, I love the cover.
  6. Sorcery and the Single Girl - Mindy Klasky : I read the first book in the series about four years before and I loved it. I can't say I remember much, just that I laughed a lot while reading it. I'll read the entire series this autumn.

This is my list for now. If I manage to read more, I'll list them as I finish them.