Friday, October 14, 2011

Follow Friday (4)

Welcome to Follow Friday hosted this week by Parajunkee and Alison!
The main idea behind FF is just to go see a bunch of new blogs you may never have seen before, and follow the ones you like (and they’ll follow you back!) It’s a total win/win, so take a peek around and follow me!

This week’s question is:

Q.If you could have characters from a particular book meet and form an epic storyline with characters from a particular TV series, which would you choose and why?

That's a tough one. I'd love to see the sexy vampires from The Vampire Diaries meet the Dark Hunters. That would be a very fun experience. I can just imagine Damon trying to piss off Acheron *giggles*

What do you think? And what is your answer for this week's Follow Friday?


  1. Oh my God yes!!! What the heck would some of the DH say to Damon and Stefan? I bet the conversations would be ... interesting. Would they team up, or would the DH see them as a new threat along with the daimons. And if the latter, I dunno who would win that fight. :O

  2. I haven't read DH yet it is on my tbr pile but I love Damon in the show.

    I'm a new follower and here is my answer

    Have a great FF and happy reading :)

  3. I haven't read the Dark Hunters but I LOVE Vampire Diaries :) They're part of my answer too!

    Here's my FF!

  4. I have only read 1 DH so far but I could watch that interaction! lol

    New Follower hopping thru. Check out my response at Gimme The Scoop Reviews

  5. Yummy, Damon. lol!
    Sexy blog, btw.
    Please check out mine? Here! :)

  6. @Kathy: I can just imagine the face of old, fun Nick at the thought of being a squire for Damon *laughs* I don't think they'd kill each other. Damons aren't fun, but Damon is. I'd kill Stephan though *dodges things thrown my way* I can't stand the guy. *oops*

    @Claire: You should read them, they are awesome. And very very funny. If you do that, try reading The Chronicles of Nick by Kenyon. CoN intersects with DH and they are oh so very good, even thought they're YA.

    @Jessica: I haven't read the Vampire Diaries. But if you have time and patience, you should deffinitely read the Dark Hunters. :D

    @Holjo: Thank you for visiting! You have a great weekend too

    @JenniferJ: Which DH did you read? I think the series is simply amazing (ok, I admit it, I'm obsessed with that series *blush*)

    @Shanise: I love Damon too! Even when he's being mean, he's still sexier than his brother. And thank you! I love how it turned out too :D
