Friday, January 27, 2012

Follow Friday (9)

Welcome to Follow Friday hosted this week by Parajunkee and Alison!
The main idea behind FF is just to go see a bunch of new blogs you may never have seen before, and follow the ones you like (and they’ll follow you back!) It’s a total win/win, so take a peek around and follow me!

This week’s question is: 

Which book genre do you avoid at all costs and why?

I avoid all books with aliens. Here's the thing. When I was a kid I loved Star Trek: The Next Generation. You know, the one with Captain Jean-Luc Picard. I was obsessed with that show. After that, I compare all science fiction shows and books with Star Trek. It's not something I want to do, I mean, I'd wish I didn't. But I feel that there really isn't an alien show/book out there better than that one. So I avoid books with aliens.

What genres do you avoid and why?


  1. Haha I didn't even think about aliens. I haven't read any books with them and don't think I ever will! Hope you have a happy friday :)

    Here's my FF!

  2. You should give Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout a chance. The alien in it is hot!
    New follower, check out my FF and follow me (if possible by GFC) at:

  3. New follower!

    LOL, yeah, aliens don't really do it for me either :)

  4. @Jennifer: It's usually their description that make me want to throw away the book *shrugs*

    @Nereyda: I will check it out. The blurb sounds interesting enough :P

    @Valentina: Glad I'm not the only one :D

    Thanks for visiting!!
