Thursday, February 2, 2012

Women of the Otherworld Reading Challenge

I've heard so much about this series, I'm feeling like I might be one of the very few people on this planet who hasn't read them. So while I was doing my daily blog stalking I saw this Reading Challenge on Lucy's blog (Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf) and I thought it was the best opportunity for me to read them :D

The reading challenge is really easy. Here are the guidelines:

Each month beginning March 1st, 2012, challenge members will read or re-read the title for that month. In addition, challenge members will either post a review, their reading experience, character castings or anything else related to that title. You have freedom to have fun with your monthly post so be creative! Seeing as this series is 13 novels long, this challenge will last 13 months.

PLEASE NOTE: **You do not have to have a blog to enter this challenge. You must, however, have a Goodreads account if you don't, so that you can link to your posts there.**

**You do not have to participate each month if you don't want to. I want this to be a fun experience for everyone so, if there only a few books you want to read, please feel free to join!**

**If you did not find time to read the title of the month, feel free to write a post about it and indicate why. This will allow you to link up to qualify for monthly challenge giveaways as well!**

To read more about this challenge and to sign up, visit Lucy's post.

I do think it's easy, though I'll have to learn patience and not read ahead schedule. That might become difficult, but I'll behave. Or try.

Happy Reading!

  1. Bitten
  2. Stolen
  3. Dime Store Magic
  4. Industrial Magic
  5. Haunted
  6. No Humans Involved

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for joining the challenge and for spreading the word! I know you will love the books! xoxo
