Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Book Trailer: Infamous by Sherrilyn Kenyon

I know I probably say this too much, but one of my favorite authors is Sherrilyn Kenyon. I'm squealing like the lunatic fangirl that I am about the release of the newest Chronicles of Nick book, Infamous. I loved Nick's character since I read about him in Night Pleasures. I'm so hoping we're getting closer and closer to his Dark Hunter book and I hope he and Ash will be friends again.

I can't wait for the mailman to get here with my book (I think I'll probably scare the crap out of him when he does get here with the book). But until he gets here, I'm watching the Infamous book trailer, which is so great and it makes the waiting that much harder.

The world has fallen in love with Nick Gautier and the Dark-Hunters. Now Nick's saga continues in the next eagerly anticipated volume...

Go to school. Get good grades. Stay out of trouble. That's the mandate for most kids. But Nick Gautier isn't the average teenager. He's a boy with a destiny not even he fully understands. And his first mandate is to stay alive while everyone, even his own father, tries to kill him.

He's learned to annihilate zombies and raise the dead, divination and clairvoyance, so why is learning to drive such a difficulty? But that isn't the primary skill he has to master. Survival is.

And in order to survive, his next lesson makes all the others pale in comparison. He is on the brink of becoming either the greatest hero mankind has ever known.