Monday, April 2, 2012

Cover Love (12)

Rabid Reads - Cover Love

This feature is hosted by Carmel @ Rabid Reads. The rules are very simple. Choose a cover (or two, or three), preferably new-ish, and share what you like about it. Grab the graphic or don't just so long as you link back.

My picks this week:

Bitterblue (The Seven Kingdoms, #3)

This cover reminded me of Harry Potter and the winged keys from Sorcerer's Stone for some reason. I also love the blue-violet gradient and how you can see her eye through the key chain. Makes her look like she (or is it a he?) is spying on someone :P

Innamorata di un angelo

I got this book about a month and a half ago. I was in a little bookshop in town and the cover drew my eye and it was like it was whispering "Buy me! Buy me!!". So I did. I think it would also be my first book with an angel as a hero. In love with an angel (loosely translated) sound actually good. I hope I'll manage to read it and tell you what it's all about :D

What are your picks this week?


  1. Hi!
    The cover of In love with an angel is beautiful!
    Nice pick!

  2. Hello,
    New follower. Both beautiful covers. Great choices. In Bitterblue I also like the key chain over the eye. Really liking the flowers on the edges. The second has a sort of dark to it too. JoLee

    Mine are here:
    Wickedly Delicious Book Blog

    1. I didn't notice the flowers to be honest LOL. I just saw the keys and the eye :P I haven't read this series though.

  3. HI,
    Already a follower. I have note heard about either of these books or authors but i love the covers!! Great choices. Here is mine:
    Mariann at Belle's Book Bag

    1. Well, I have yet to read any of those books. I will, at some point.

  4. Haha omg I never realized there was a FACE behind the keys. Gave me such a fright when you pointed it out. I like the UK cover better with Bitterblue in a cloak tbh

    1. LOL! I think that was the first thing I noticed after I stopped staring at the keys (I was thinking they'd make a very cool pendant). I can't say I really like the UK cover. I would've liked the background to be a little faded or something. I have a thing for creepy covers, so that may be the reason :P
