Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dirty Little Secret (6)

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under The Covers.

The rules are simple:

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image and copy instructions.
3. Answer the weekly question.

For more information and for signing up, go to the Under The Covers blog.

This week's question:

Now that Lover Reborn has come and passed, what book are you most looking forward to?!

Um...I know it sounds weird, but I didn't even thunk about this before. Huh...must be the weather. Anyway, looking through my "impatiently waiting for" list, I see the new Dark Hunter book, Time Untime. *sigh* Is it August yet??

Time Untime (Dark-Hunter, #22)

What about you? What are you impatiently waiting for?


  1. I haven't read any of her books yet. They keep getting recommended to me, but I just haven't had a chance. I am going to have to add this to my TBR pile. What are your favs from her??
    Here is mine:

    1. Oh, I do hope you will soon "come to the dark side" so to speak. They are AWESOME!!
      As for favs...hmm..let's see. I love love love her Dark Hunter series and her Chronicles of Nick series. If you want to read CoN though (they are YA) I'd recommend you to read them at least after you've gotten past...say "Acheron" in her Dark Hunter series. CoN is more like an alternate universe, a "what if" involving the world of the Dark Hunters. They're both awesome though.

  2. I haven't read any of her books yet, either, but I have the first two of this series on my TBR shelf.

    New follower!

    Here's our DLS


    1. Jame, you too have to come on the dark side :D (It feels awesome to do some book pimping, ya know? LOL)

      They are awesome.

  3. Great pick! I stopped reading this series after Acheron and has always meant to catch up eventually.

    My DLS

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

    1. I think this is one of the very few really long series that I don't feel it's disappointing me. Even if I do need to reread the earlier books because I confuse Jaden with Jared and there's no way anyone can explain to me what the difference is LOL (So I'm rereading the entire series now, paying extra attention to other details than those hot Hunters :P)

      But I still love the series.

  4. oooo...another DH book? NICE! I'll have to add to my TBR pile for sure. I'm also a new follower love your blog ;)

    1. Aw, thank you! *blushes*
      I know, it's awesome that there will be more, right? I can't wait to see what happens in this one. Something about this whole apocalypse thing. And I am hoping Savitar pops up more often.

  5. I've only read one of her books before, i really should delve into more of them!

    Here's my DLS this week:

    Vix :-)

    1. Which book did you read?
      I'm a fan (the obsessed kind. I admit it, but a fan). I think it's an amazing series. And I like the mythology in it and its uniqueness.

  6. Good pick. I stopped after Wren and Marguerite story in Unleash The Night. Love Acheron but have not read his. He plays such a good roll in the series so wanted to read them in order. I might have to catch up and visit some sexy Dark Hunter warriors.

    My DLS

    1. I loved Wren. I also loved his monkey whose name I can't remember right now. I do hope you'll catch up.
      I love Ash too. And then Savitar *swoon*

  7. Great Choice Ruby! I must catch up on Sherilyn Kenyon! That's a goal of mine! :)

    New Follower

    My DLS

    1. At what book did you stop? I wanted to read her Lords of Avalon series (that's the name right?).

  8. I still need to get started on this series! I've had Fantasy Lover on my bookshelf for ages and everyone keeps raving about it to me.

    Here's Mine

    1. Julian! *drool* LOL
      Oh yeah, it's a great series. I love it. And like I said before, so far I'm not disappointed in any of the newer books. The only thing that I can say it bugs me a lot is the waiting time between the books :P But the more we wait, the better the book, right?

  9. The first one of this series is on my TBR List. I have heard good things about them. I just might have to bump it up on my list!
    My Dirty Little Secret

    Amanda @ Sisters Unedited

    1. You should bump it up. It is great. And what I love most, besides the sexiness and the mythology and the idea of vampires, is the mystery and the knowledge that behind every question solved there are 5 or 6 more without an answer. And there's always something new, something you don't know yet. I think that's why, even after so many books, I keep getting back at this series.

  10. Oh, another DH book, who is this one about? I have gotten up to Ash...who I am totally in love with!

    My Dirty Little Secret:

    1. Did you read the first part of Ash's book? (*sniffle*)
      Ren. I think he's knew? I know for sure he was in Retribution, Sundown's book.

  11. I'm currently reading my first Sherrilyn Kenyon book Night Pleasures and I really like it!
    Here's my Dirty Little Secret post

    -Kimberly @ Turning The Pages

    1. You didn't start with Fantasy Lover? That one's good too. And it's the first of the Dark Hunters. You'll meet some of the characters in Night Pleasures too. (Sorry, I'm a little anal when it comes to reading a series in order *blush*)
      I'm glad you're on the dark side too. It's a good place to be, surrounded by so many hot Hunters :P

  12. I'm going to have to lock myself in my room for a week or two so I can actually sit down and read Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series. There are just so many in the series and I'm the type of person that likes to start from the beginning.

    Here's Talk Supe's DLS Post

    1. Oh yeah, being locked in a room with those books sounds awesome! I might have to do it too, even if it is just a reread. But when you do, be sure to have a full box of tissues. Some of the stories will make you cry *sniffle*

  13. I don't read this series in order. Please don't slap me because of it. LOL I may have to start from the beginning one day. lol


    1. *gasp* I won't slap you, promise (I'll leave the amazingly sexy Ash and the equally sexy Savitar to come and spank you though *grin*) LOL
      I am a "little" anal when it comes to reading order. I get confused if I don't read the books in order for the first time.
