Monday, April 2, 2012

March In Retrospect

I can't believe March is over. It seems like time flew by, even faster than in February. I've discovered some new series this month and some new authors. So it was a good month :D

Here are the books I read in March:

  1. Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward
  2. Bitten by Kelley Armrstrong
  3. The Awakening of Leeowyn Blake by Mary Parker
  4. Curbchek by Zack Fortier
  5. Death On Heels by Ellen Byerrum
I'm also making some progress on my Dark Hunter series rereading "marathon". I also remembered some important details in the earlier books, which helped me understand some of the things that happened later in the series. 

Here are the reviews I've written in March:

Reading Challenges Progress:

  1. TBR Pile Reading Challenge 3/20  
  2. New Author Challenge  10/25 
  3. 100 Books In A Year Reading Challenge 17/100
  4. Women Of the Otherworld Series Challenge 1/13
  5. Chick Lit Challenge 1/12
It was a good month. Not exactly what I wanted, but I hope I'll catch up this month. How did you do in March?