Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April In Retrospect

April's gone. bringing us closer and closer to summer *happy dance* I can't wait to spend long, lazy days on the beach reading on my e-reader and swimming in the sea. I'll probably spend more time swimming than reading during those days at the beach, but that's a different story.

April was a better month than the others have been. I managed to read a lot more books than I expected and I discovered some must-read authors. Just when I think there can't possibly be another author out there to make me fall in love with their work, I find one that kills that idea quickly.

Here are the books I read in April:

  1. Behind Closed Doors by Sherri Hayes
  2. An Untimely Love by Tendai Huchu
  3. The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
  4. The Binding by L. Filloon
  5. Social Punk by Monica Leonelle
  6. Dance With The Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon
  7. Everlong by Hailey Edwards
  8. A Hint Of Frost by Hailey Edwards
  9. Fighting the Devil by Jeannie Walker
  10. Night Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon
I'm still behind with my reading or so Goodreads is telling me. Of course, I'm not counting the books I'm rereading in my 100 books goal this year. So I think May needs to be fuller. Darn real life, getting in the way of my reading :P

Anyway, here are the reviews I wrote this month:

  1. Behind Closed Doors - Sherri Hayes
  2. An Untimely Love - Tendai Huchu
  3. The Immortal Rules - Julie Kagawa
  4. The Binding - L. Filloon
  5. Socialpunk - Monica Leonelle
  6. Dance With The Devil - Sherrilyn Kenyon
  7. Everlong - Hailey Edwards
  8. Fighting the Devil - Jeannie Walker

In April I did my first interviews with authors Mary Parker and Sherri Hayes.

Reading Challenges Progress:

  1. New Author Challenge  15/25 
  2. 100 Books In A Year Reading Challenge 23/100
If you happen to hear a smacking sound, that's me slapping myself for forgetting about the Women Of The Otherworld challenge. Yes, for once I forgot to read a book o.O But anyway, I have time to make up for it :D 

All in all, I'm pretty proud of how I did this month. I hope I can do at least just as good in May. How did your April look like?