Monday, May 21, 2012

Cover Love (16)

Rabid Reads - Cover Love

This feature is hosted by Carmel @ Rabid Reads. The rules are very simple. Choose a cover (or two, or three), preferably new-ish, and share what you like about it. Grab the graphic or don't just so long as you link back.

My picks this week:

Spell Bound (Hex Hall, #3)

*sigh* Now that I've read the book, I love the cover even more. Or maybe I should say Kaidan, but *shhh* Don't tell!

Seriously though, the book is amazing and it has a great cover too. Just look at that dress! It's a creepy-sexy cover if you ask me ;)

Aw, how can I not like this cover? I saw that all books in the Hex Hall series are like this. Half-student, half-something else. I like that. Sort of like "look beyond the surface and you'll be surprised of what you find". I also like the fact that the title and author's name are reflected in the purple-ish lake.

Also, LOVE the black cat!!

What's your pick this week?


  1. I'm a huge fan of the Sweet Evil cover. The red and black are very Twilight-ish.

    1. It's pretty, isn't it? I didn't think of Twilight. I thought a weird mixture between the poster from the TV show Revenge and Damon's ability to control the fog (The Vamp Diaries - the first few episodes)

      Did you read the book?

  2. Love both of these covers. Obviously the killer dress in Sweet Evil. Red and black must be a theme for covers this year. Hex hall is a favorite YA series of mine. I always love that you can turn it upside down and have a whole new cover.
