Monday, May 7, 2012

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #1

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Book Journey and is a great way for others to find out what you are planning to read this week and, best of all, see what others are reading.

What I Read Last Week:

PromisesLowcountry Punch

It's been a slow week, what with me trying to catch up on studying and all. I really hate it when real life (bitch!) gets in the way of my reading, but there's nothing much I can do.

This week though I'm hoping to get more reading done, so here's my list:

The Car Thief  Dead End Deal  Stolen (Women of the Otherworld, #2)

*phew* That's a long list, but I'm hopeful, ya know? 

What about you? What do you plan on reading this week?


  1. I've been having a slow week too due to real life -- in my case sick kids -- sigh. I'm hoping to get some reading done soon -- or at least finish the book I'm on soon :-) Promises looks really interesting!

  2. It's always good to be hopeful :)
    Happy reading! You're gonna be busy! :)
    What are YOU reading??
