Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Book Review: I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella

I've Got Your Number

Author: Sophie Kinsella
My Rating: 5 cups
Blurb: (from Goodreads)

I've lost it. The only thing in the world I wasn't supposed to lose. My engagement ring. It's been in Magnus's family for three generations. And now, the very same day his parents are coming, I've lost it. The very same day. Do not hyperventilate, Poppy. Stay positive!!
Poppy Wyatt has never felt luckier. She is about to marry the ideal man, Magnus Tavish, but in one afternoon her 'happy ever after' begins to fall apart. Not only has she lost her engagement ring but in the panic that followed, she has now lost her phone. As she paces shakily round the hotel foyer she spots an abandoned phone in a bin. Finders keepers! Now she can leave a number for the hotel to contact her when they find her ring. Perfect! 
Well, perfect except the phone's owner, businessman Sam Roxton doesn't agree. He wants his phone back and doesn't appreciate Poppy reading all his messages and wading into his personal life. 
What ensues is a hilarious and unpredictable turn of events as Poppy and Sam increasingly upend each other's lives through emails and text messages. As Poppy juggles wedding preparations, mysterious phone calls and hiding her left hand from Magnus and his parents... she soon realises that she is in for the biggest surprise of her life.

Another Kinsella masterpiece. That’s the first thing that popped into my head after I finished reading I’ve Got Your Number. I loved this book, just like I loved every other one of her books. I think I might be obsessed with this author. Kinsella is the author that introduced me into the wonderful world of chick lit and I can’t really think of anyone better than her. All her heroines are normal women, with flaws, with bad hair days, fears, questions, insecurities, everything that can make these women look… normal. Like you and me.

Poppy, the heroine from I’ve Got Your Number, is no different. She was a fun heroine to meet. She’s funny, a bit curious (okay, more than a bit), she’s trying to help everyone and she’s one of those girls that have a hard time expressing their feelings out of fear of offending someone. Or maybe she’s just trying to fit in, not wanting to lose someone important to her. I loved her. From the very first moment I read about her, while she was desperately searching for her engagement ring in a hotel lobby, to the very last moment when she’s standing in front of the church, dressed in a wedding dress and talking to the man she loves. Also, she loves footnotes :D

Sam is one of those imperfect heroes I love. He might be smart, gorgeous, successful, but he’s not one to be polite just to spare someone’s feelings, he’s not a guy who will send birthday cards to his colleagues or “I’m sorry your dog died” messages. But he’s the perfect guy for Poppy and I can see why she fell for him. He is funny, he is strong, he is a guy that will tell you the truth. And he looks good. What more can one wish for, right?

I laughed so hard while reading this book. I laugh at all of Kinsella’s books actually. Though I might suggest not reading them while on a bus or a subway?! People will look at you like you've lost your mind if you have tears streaming down your face and you’re laughing like a loon while reading. It was a gorgeous story. And humor aside, this is a story about real love, second chances, luck, coincidences and a lot more.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I love Sophie Kinsella and her books are on my “auto-buy” list. If you haven’t yet read her books (though seriously, what are you waiting for???!!) you need to give them a try! You won’t regret it.

Rocked my world photo Image9.png


  1. I love Sophie Kinsella too. Her books are so much fun to read. It's like the characters are so real, with all their flaws and I can relate so well to them ... especially Bex, LOL.

    1. Love Bex, but I'm more like Emma. I read Can You Keep A Secret in my senior year in high school, when I thought all carriers where fun and cool and I didn't know which one to pick. Also, I'm a girl with secrets, like everyone else *grins*

  2. I adored Poppy ! Thanks for the lovely review :)


    1. Thank you! I Loved her too and I hope the next Kinsella book comes out fast :D (I also hope there IS a next Kinsella book :P )
