Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 20 – Favorite romance book

I completely forgot that I didn't finish this challenge *iz ashamed*
Um, I don't have a favorite romance book. I know it sounds weird, but for me every book I read, even if they're part of the same series, is different and unique in its own way. So it would be almost like comparing apples and oranges. That said, the one book that pops into my head right now is Kat Martin's Nothing But Velvet.

Nothing But Velvet (Litchfield #1)

It's the first historical romance I've read and it's one of the few books I reread every year. I remember when I first read it I was still pretty bad at English and it took me a while to finish it, but I'm glad I did. I loved it then and I love it now even more.

What about you? What's your favorite romance book?