Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 22 – Favorite book you own

Without a doubt, Lord of the Rings. It's not the only book that I own that is my favorite, but this one is special. It was the first book (or set of books, as it is) that I bought from my savings and I remember I was actually incredibly proud when I got home to show off my treasure. 

*Note: the picture below is not of my set, I just found it on the net and thought it looked very cool, so I thought I'd share it.

Image Detail

What about you? What is your favorite book you own?


  1. I've seen the movies but never read the books! I love Twilight :) New follower

    Cierra @ Blogovation Design

    1. The books are amazing. If you ask me, they're better than the movies. Of course, at my second read, I do remember I found Frodo a bit annoying at times, but I still like the books.

      Didn't manage to read Twilight yet. Will do sometimes, maybe. Thanks for visiting and following!
