Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blog Tour Book Review: Need by Sherri Hayes (+18)

Author: Sherri Hayes
Series: Finding Anna #2
Source: NetGalley
My Rating: 5 cups
Publisher: The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House
Publishing date: July 26th 2012
Blurb: (from Goodreads)

As Brianna comes to terms with the realization that she is no longer a slave, she must figure out what she wants for her life. Forgetting her past isn’t an option. It is an integral part of who she is now, and it will forever shape her view of life. The one thing she knows is that she cannot imagine her life without the man who saved her, but can she be what he needs?

Stephan never imagined falling in love with the woman he rescued, but the thought of her no longer being part of his life is physically painful. The scars from her past continue to haunt her, and he is helpless to stop them. All he can do is try to help her work through the traumas of her past. Can he be everything she needs and help her move on?
The two must figure out how to navigate not only their relationship with each other, but also the outside world. A friend from Brianna’s past shows up where she least expects them, and Uncle Richard continues to enforce his well-meaning agenda to get Brianna more traditional help. As forces, both friend and foe, threaten to tear them apart, Stephan and Brianna have to navigate the turbulent waters and find what they need in each other.

Need picks up right where the first book in the series left off, with Anna trying to figure out how to live her life as a free woman and trying to get to terms with what happened to her.

I liked this book better than the first one. First of all, while the emotional roller-coaster was still very much present, there was a big development in Anna and Stephan's relationship, more so than in Slave. I kept hoping they'd get past one point and when they did, I was very happy for them.

Second of all, we get to see Anna improve more and more. She still has a long way to go and I'm not very sure she'll ever be able to act, feel and think like any other normal woman, without her traumatic past, but I'm sure she'll get even better. I liked the fact that not once Stephan lost his temper with her, even when her reactions hurt him. I think that's one of the reasons I like him, his ability to understand Anna and his willingness do to anything for her.

We get to meet a friend from Anna's past and I'm curious about him. I'm not exactly sure what my feelings for him are, since we got only brief glimpses of him. I think Cal Ross really cares for Anna and maybe he'll play a big part in her future.

The book ends with a major cliffhanger and I really want to know what happens next. I'm curious what will happen in the future with both Anna and Stephan and if a certain someone will get what he deserves.

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