Monday, July 16, 2012

Cover Love (22)

Rabid Reads - Cover Love

This feature is hosted by Carmel @ Rabid Reads. The rules are very simple. Choose a cover (or two, or three), preferably new-ish, and share what you like about it. Grab the graphic or don't just so long as you link back.

My picks this week:

 I didn't have time to read Infamous unfortunately, but I know for sure I'll like it. Also, the blurb for Inferno sounds great. So I can't wait to read this one. OH, why I liked it? The firey background. Though fire scares me, I love the way it looks from faaar, faaaaar away. So it's safe to ogle at the flames in a picture :D

Inferno - Sherrilen Kenyon

 Do I have to say why I love this cover? Well, first of all, the background ('cause that's the first thing I noticed, not the hot, almost naked guy *giggles*) makes me feel a little chilly. And given the hot weather in my neck of the woods, I need some cool air. (really, it's like living in a very hot oven. It's not fun!). Then there's the hot, almost naked guy :P Which I'm convinced is Paul Marron. And nothing you say can convince me he's not. :D

Thrown by a Curve - Jaci Burton

I haven't read any of the books in this series, but I do admire their covers. I think this is the prettiest one, actually. I like the light coming out of the book, like a secret passageway has been opened. And her dress is pretty too.

Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare

What are your picks this week?