Monday, September 3, 2012

August in Retrospect

Hey everyone! I know I've been a "little" absent with my posts this month. August was a pretty difficult month, what with the heat wave and all that. Plus I had some relatives visiting, so I couldn't spend as much time on my blog as I wanted. But I did manage to read a lot, which was awesome. I finally read the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. I won the first book and then after I finished reading it I knew I couldn't wait for the paperbacks to get delivered and so I bought them all in e-books and read the entire series in 3 days. I'm glad I finally read it. I loooooved Rose and I loved Dimitri (how can someone in their right mind not love him though?). And now I'm waiting for the third Bloodlines book to come out in February 2013. It's actually cruel that readers get to read books so fast, but have to wait so damn long for a new book in a series to be released, you know?

Anyway, here are the books I read in August:

  1. Broken - Kelley Armstrong
  2. No Humans Involved - Kelley Armstrong
  3. His Heart For The Trusting - Lisa Mondello
  4. The More I See - Lisa Mondello
  5. Breaking The Rules - Cat Lavoie
  6. Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
  7. Frostbite - Richelle Mead
  8. Shadow Kiss - Richelle Mead
  9. Blood Promise - Richelle Mead
  10. Spirit Bound - Richelle Mead
  11. Last Sacrifice - Richelle Mead
  12. Bloodlines - Richelle Mead
  13. The Golden Lilly - Richelle Mead
  14. Differential Equations - Julian Iragorri & Lou Aronica
  15. Betrayal - Amber Garr
  16. Arise - Amber Garr
  17. Soul Weaver - Hailey Edwards
Talk about a reading spree, huh? Anyway, I think I'm not wrong if I say this was the most productive month so far. I'm curious to see if I can beat that, but somehow I doubt it. 

I was missing this month, but I managed to write some reviews:
  1. Her Heart For The Asking - Lisa Mondello 
  2. His Heart For The Trusting - Lisa Mondello
  3. The More I See - Lisa Mondello
  4. Breaking the Rules - Cat Lavoie
  5. Betrayal - Amber Garr
  6. Soul Weaver - Hailey Edwards
  7. Differential Equations - Julian Iragorri & Lou Aronica
  8. Broken - Kelley Armstrong
I also managed to get a little closer to meeting my reading goals this month, more so than last year:

2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge 14/20
New Author Challenge 2012 32/25 - FINISHED - the books I read over 25 don't count towards any goal, because I don't want to make it my goal to read more than 25 new authors this year. I might do it next year, but so far I'm happy I managed to finish one goal and I'll leave it at that. If I manage to read more new authors, then that's fine. If not, it's no big deal :P
100 Books In A Year Reading Challenge 2012 62/100

I'm pretty proud of myself, let me tell you! Maybe there should be more heat waves in the future, so I can read more? *shakes head* That would be a bad idea though, as this year was awful, let me tell you! The A/C didn't manage to make even a little cold in the house, it was that hot. Some days, it was like it wasn't even on.

Anyway, so this was my month. How did you do last month with your reading?