Friday, September 28, 2012

Bloggiesta: What it is & My To Do list


You know, I've heard a lot about Bloggiesta since I started book blogging. I think it's a great idea and a good opportunity to learn a few new things about blogging. If you aren't sure about it, here's what you can do:

  • spiff up your blog
  • try something new on your blog, fix something, add something or delete something
  • catch up on reviews, Google Reader, email, or anything else that's out of control
  • work and party together with other bloggers
  • learn new things from blogging experts
  • join several mini challenges and win prizes
  • have fun for three days blogging and connecting with your blogging friends!
Also, throughout this weekend there will be many discussions and mini-challenges on various topics:

  • Scheduling Posts and Organization
  • Increasing Blog Traffic
  • Using a Variety of Applications in Conjunction with your Blogging. (ie. Evernote, Microsoft Access, etc.)
  • WordPress vs. Blogger
  • Discussion Posts…How-to
  • And many many more!
Cool right? So I decided this year I'll join my very first Bloggiesta round.

This round of Bloggiesta runs from September 28th – 30th and is hosted by It’s All About Books & There’s a Book.


Here's my to do list for these 3 days:

  • Catch up on writing reviews
  • Update the Reviews by Author page completed. *pats self* I should add some linky features to make navigating that page easier. Will do it tomorrow though. Promise!
  • Update my Review Challenges pages
  • Publish reviews on Goodreads, Shelfari, Barn & Noble and the likes - Done with Shelfari and Goodreads. Barnes & Noble and other book-related websites have to wait though *blush*
  • Finish the summer and spring banners for my blog 
  • Finish designing the book badges 
  • Back up blogCompleted Well, this was the easiest one, to be honest
  • Update my Facebook page - Completed  This I did on Friday :D
  • Design and upload the Social Media icons
  • Update the Copyright notice
  • Format all the upcoming posts for blog tours
  • Work on some banners for my features
On a side note, I also have to catch up on reading. Reading aside though, looks like this is going to be a full weekend. 


  1. Nice list! I think several of us are trying to catch up on writing/scheduling reviews. Good luck, and hope you have a fun weekend!

    1. Thanks! I'm really bad ad scheduling my reviews *blush* I'm trying to be all responsible like from now on though :P

  2. Good luck with your to do list. Looks like you have a full weekend planned. I'm participating also-hopefully I'll make a dent! LOL!

    1. I'm hoping I'll make a dent too LOL. It's just that there are so many things to do *wide eyes*

  3. Best of luck with your list! This is my first time participating and I've done so much in the last 2 days than I have during the entire week that I've had my blog open. I'm glad I was informed about Bloggiesta. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, me too. I'm glad I finally decided to participate. This is the most time I've dedicated to my blog in just three days to be honest. I did have a lot of fun though.

  4. What a great to-do list!! Isn't Bloggiesta inspiring?! WOOHOO!! I'm a new follower. I'm visiting you back, which is something I've always meant to do *cough* and got a bit behind on. Thx for visiting my blog!! :-D

    1. Yes it is, very inspiring. It's like it keeps me grounded too. Thanks for following :D
