Friday, November 9, 2012

Promo Post - Touching Evil by Amber Garr

With one touch, Leila can see it all.

Leila Marx is trying to put her life back together after her fiancĂ© is murdered. When Detective Garrick Pearson enlists her help with a difficult case, she is thankful for the distraction and the opportunity to use her talents as a touch clairvoyant. Leila and Garrick quickly delve into the mystery behind a series of missing teenage girls and mummified corpses while discovering their own growing attraction to each other. 

Conner Hoffman is an intriguing lawyer and striking half-demon who enters Leila’s life unexpectedly.  Although her visions are terrifying, she is fascinated by his charm and his legacy. When it becomes evident that the murders are linked to a paranormal event, Conner introduces Leila to a world unbeknownst to ordinary society. She suddenly finds herself immersed in supernatural politics, sorcery, and danger as she becomes the killer’s next target. 

Staying alive will mean relying on friends, accepting the unbelievable, and trusting in her heart again.

Buy at Amazon or Smashwords.

Visit Amber's website to read an excerpt, watch the trailer, and meet the characters.

In celebration of the release, Amber's holding a giveaway!
Open to everyone. Yeah!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Amber Garr spends her days conducting scientific experiments and wondering if her next door neighbor is secretly a vampire. Born in Pennsylvania, she lives in Florida with her husband and their furry kids. Her childhood imaginary friend was a witch, Halloween is sacred, and she is certain that she has a supernatural sense of smell. Amber is a Royal Palm Literary Award winner, author of The Syrenka Series and The Leila Marx Novels. When not obsessing over the unknown, she can be found dancing, reading, or enjoying a good movie.


  1. Great giveaway! I was blog hopping when I stumbled upon your blog and I am now following! I have a couple of giveaways going on right now if you'd like to enter, one is about to end in 5 hours! Just click on the giveaways tab to check them out. I really hope you will stop by for a visit! Here's the link if you would like to follow back: MaMa's Book Corner I hope you are having a great weekend! :))

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for following! Have a great weekend also :D
