Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12 Days of 2012: Day 2 Best Books from my TBR pile

Best Books from my TBR pile

I'm only sharing the top 5, because I haven't really managed to read too many books from my TBR pile this year. Then again, my TBR "pile" has now become a small island *sighs* And my wallet is sobbing. I can actually hear the poor thing sobbing whenever I enter a bookshop.

Anyway, here's my list:

  1. Blood Promise - Richelle Mead - As I've told you before, I finally gave in and read this series. I loved it all, but since I have to choose, I have to say that this was my favorite from the entire series.
  2. Eternal Rider - Larissa Ione - Ah, Ares... I can't express how much I loved him. I loved the entire series and (as I've said in the review for Rogue Rider) I loved Thanatos more. But I'm choosing Ares' story, because it's the first one in the series. Just know that I loved the entire series :D
  3. Bitten - Kelley Armstrong (read my review here) - I actually have to thank Carmel from Rabid Reads and Lucy from Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf for reading this series. I loved it so much and I'm sad that it's finished. I'm also a little bit angry with myself that I wasn't there from the very beginning. I love this series so much it's not even funny. Yes, I'm obsessed with it :p
  4. Spider's Revenge - Jennifer Estep - So far, I feel like this is the best book of the Elemental Assassin series. I loved it and I could finally see some of the things I was hoping for to happen becoming reality in this book.
  5. No Humans Involved - Kelley Armstrong (read my review here) - Jeremy and Jaime. But mostly Jeremy. Nekkid Jeremy *le sigh* 

If you'd like to see what other books from my TBR monster-pile I read in 2012, head here. I haven't finished all the reviews for them, sorry for that. 

So, what books from your TBR list did you love more?