Monday, March 4, 2013

Obsessed With Covers #5

Y'all know how much I love a pretty cover. I think about...40% of the books that end up on my shelves (be they physical or digital) do so because of the covers. Call me shallow but you have to admit that a pretty, shiny cover will catch your eye faster than a dull, boring one. Two, simple rules that I'll follow:

  • 1, 2 or 3 (no more than 3, though) covers per week;
  • books should be new-ish; no more than 2 years old.
Oh, before I share the covers that made me drool or want to stare at them for hours and hours, I have to say something. This is a semi-original idea. Why semi? Because almost every book blogger has something similar. The only thing I came up with was the title. If by any chance there's another blogger with a similar feature with the same title, I assure you I'm not stealing your idea. I'm just THAT bad with titles. Believe me, I'd love to be smarter and have a witty name for this feature, but I don't. So, no copyright infringement/theft/steal or anything of the sort was desired. 

*all links and covers go to the Goodreads page of each book.


Oh, I so adore this cover! The sky, the clouds, the flying couple, the colors of the clouds, everything. I can even imagine that if I had superpowers and was able to go inside the cover, the air would smell like rain (yes, I love rain :D) 

Let The Sky Fall - Shannon Messenger 

This is another cover that I stared at for entire minutes, without getting tired. I love it. I love the frosted tree lashes, I love the birds flying over the eye and at the same time looking as if they left the said lashes, I love the icicle-like tear...Anyway, I believe it's an amazing cover. Makes me wonder about the book. I have it on my TBR pile, so don't yell at me for not reading it! I will make time *sheepish*

Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi

What covers do you love this week?