Friday, March 8, 2013

Reading Blogs & Eating Popcorn #1

While I've been missing from my blog the past few weeks, I have been stalking reading other blogs. So I thought I would share with you some of the blog posts I've read and adored. Before you ask, eating popcorn has nothing to do with me reading blogs. It's actually what I'm doing right at this very moment and it's the only cool title I have for this post.

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Kat from Cuddlebuggery talks about why stats don't matter. I loved this post and it made me remember something. When I started book blogging I was, to be completely honest, one of those people who obsessed over stats. Then I realized how much stressful it was and how it was completely ruining the blogging experience. And like Kat says, I've had that moment where I scratch my head and shake it because there's always a blog post or a book review that gets so many page views it completely baffles me, and then there's the one I'm hoping will get many views, thst doesn't. So, the way I see it, blog and enjoy ;)
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Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner talks about how feelings, experiences and values influence how we read. I think she's right, I do think that there's something that makes each reader experience a book in a very different way and I do believe reading is personal.

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Sarah from Workaday Reads talks about how difficult it is sometimes to write reviews for series. It is difficult, especially with series that have one (or two or three) major characters. 

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What about you? Do you have blog posts that you read, loved and you want to share?