Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ARC August & Beat The Heat Readathon

Since I have some free time on my hands, I decided August was going to be a "read only from the review pile" month. I have a little bit of guilt when I look at those books. Okay, a lot of guilt. So I thought what better way to do this than join a readathon or two?

ARC August is hosted by the wonderful Octavia @ Read.Sleep.Repeat. We're supposed to read all those beautiful ARCs and the pretty books we received for review. And let me tell you, there are a lot of books in my pile. *buries head in sand*

Jessi @ Auntie Spinelli Reads and Reanna @ Phantasmatic Reads are hosting the Beat The Heat Readathon. Read as much as you can, participate in some of the mini-challenges and have fun. You can join on either Jessi or Reanna's websites.

I haven't yet decided how many books I want to read during these two events. I'll try to read as much as I can and I'll review as much as I can (for the books that are released months from now I'll hold the review until neat the release date though).

Have you joined the fun?


  1. Smart move! You're killing two birds with one stone this way! And get your head out of that sand! This is a "judge free zone". ;)

    -Octavia of Read. Sleep. Repeat.

    1. I thought so too :P Thanks for the challenge though. I was a little lazy. Plus, I feel a little more confident about getting my head out of the sand. "We're not alone", like Frodo says :P
