Saturday, July 6, 2013

Book Review: Skinny Bitch in Love by Kim Barnouin

Author: Kim Barnouin
Series: N/A
Publisher: Gallery Books
Release Date: June 4th 2013
My Rating: 4 cups
Source: NetGalley
Blurb (from Goodreads):

From the coauthor of the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestselling Skinny Bitch life­style series—a clever, kick-ass novel about friendship, romance, and making healthy choices both in and out of the kitchen.

Clementine Cooper is a born vegan, com­mitted in every way to the healthy lifestyle she was raised with on her father’s organic farm. But how bad could a little butter be? Bad enough to get the ambitious and talented sous chef fired when an influential food critic discovers dairy in Clem’s butternut squash ravioli with garlic sage sauce. Though she was sabotaged by a backstab­bing coworker, Clem finds herself unceremo­niously blackballed from every vegan kitchen in L.A.

Like any vegan chef worth her salt, however, Clem knows how to turn lemons into delicious, cruelty-free lemonade cupcakes. She launches the Skinny Bitch Cooking School in hopes of soon opening her own cafĂ© in an empty space near her apartment. But on the first day of class, sexy millionaire restaurateur Zach Jeffries puts a fork in her idea with his own plans for the space—a steakhouse. Clem is livid. For a carnivore, Zach is more complicated than she anticipated. He’s also a very good kisser. But could dating one of the most eligible bachelors in the city—and a meat-eater—be as bad for Clem as high-fructose corn syrup? Shouldn’t she fall instead for a man who seems to be her perfect match in every way—like Alexander Orr, a very cute, very sweet vegan chef?

Clem thought she was open-minded, but as she confronts the challenges of budding entrepre­neurship, old rivals, ex-boyfriends, and tempting suitors, she begins to wonder if she can ever say “I love you” to a man who hates tofu.

Before I start my review, let me say that I am not a vegan/vegetarian. I don't judge those of you who are, but I am not a vegan. Just wanted to get that out of the way.

The first thing that drew me to this book was, quite honestly, the cover. You know I like cartoonish covers, so it's not that surprising. I thought it was a fun cover and after reading the blurb I was convinced I had to read the book. Plus, you all know just how much I love chick lit.

I loved Clem. She was like a breath of fresh air. She's a very strong woman, she doesn't beat around the bush, you won't see her trying to sugarcoat things and she's one of those women that want to do things on their own, no matter how difficult the road to get there is. I also liked how ballsy she is. Yup, she's my kind of gal :-)

Zack is...well, he's hot. Infuriating sometimes, but hot. I think the reason he was attracted to Clem was because she was so different than what he was used to.  I could actually feel that at times he was frustrated by her unwillingness to accept help, but he eventually came to terms with it.

By the way, when you read this, make sure you have some tasty noms nearby. There were these scenes with cooking, did they sound tasty! Besides the food and the romance, you get some funny scenes too.

I am wondering if this book will turn into a series. I would so read it if it did. So go ahead and read Skinny Bitch in Love if you're in the mood for some fun reading. You'll love it :)

I loved it photo Image10.png
Familiar waters photo Image19.png

Disclaimer: I received this galley in exchange for an honest review. I did not receive any financial compensation for my review.