Saturday, September 14, 2013

Reading Blogs & Eating Popcorn #4

Reading Blogs & Eating Popcorn is a weekly feature here at Ruby's Books, in which I share some of the posts written by other fellow book bloggers over the last week, posts that I loved so much I have to share. 

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  • The first post comes from Michelle @ Pink Polka Dot Book Blog. She talks about Blogger Jealousy. I cannot explain to you how much this post resonated with me, but let's just say I understand completely what Michelle is talking about. (Emily @ Read Your Bookcase is her cohost and she has a great post on this topic as well)
  • The next post is from Renae @ Respiring Thoughts and it's called On Reader/Author Interaction. It's an interesting take on a pretty touchy subject, especially given the frictions we hear about in the book blogging comunity. 
  • Carol @ Carol's Notebook talks about Reading vs Listening. I can't say I'm a huge fan of audiobooks, though I do love the idea of being able to listen to a book while doing something else. Of course, I'm so clumsy I'd probably end up hurting myself if I tried it, but that's another topic :P
  • Amanda @ On A Book Bender shares 3 Uncomfortable Truths About Blogging. They might be uncomfortable, but they're real, so think of the post as some much-needed tough love.
I've read so many fantastic posts this week and I'm certain I missed some of them. I'd fill up an entire page with them, but then I'll look like a stalker :P. What about you? Did you read any blog posts this week that you feel anyone should? 


  1. Thanks for sharing! A lot of these sound interesting. It's too early for popcorn here, but I'll definitely be checking these others out. Thanks for the shout out, too! It made my day.

    1. Hehe, it's never early for popcorn. Oh well maybe it is. But you can have chocolate cookies instead?! LOL
      I'm happy my shout out made your day *blushes**sends hugs*
