Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Early Book Review: My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling

Author: Tellulah Darling
Series: The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #2
Publisher: Te Da Media
Release Date: October 31st 201
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: e-ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Sophie Bloom’s junior year has been a bit of a train wreck. After the world’s greatest kiss re-awakened Sophie’s true identity as Persephone (Goddess of Spring and Savior of Humanity), she fought her dragon-lady guidance counselor to the death, navigated mean girl Bethany’s bitchy troublemaking, and dealt with the betrayal of her backstabbing ex, Kai (sexy Prince of Darkness). You’d think a girl could catch a break.

Yeah, right.

With Zeus stepping things up, it’s vital that Sophie retrieve Persephone’s memories and discover the location of the ritual to stop Zeus and Hades. So when Aphrodite strikes a deal that can unlock Sophie’s pre-mortal past, what choice does the teen goddess have but to accept?

The mission: stop media mogul Hermes from turning Bethany into a global mega-celebrity. The catch? Aphrodite partners Sophie and Kai to work together … and treat this suicide mission as a date. Which could work out for Sophie’s plan to force Kai to admit his feelings for her–if she doesn’t kill him first.

Add to that the fact that BFF Theo’s love life and other BFF Hannah’s actual life are in Sophie’s hands, and suddenly being a teenager—even a godlike one—seems a bit like … well, hell. Whatever happened to dinner and a movie?

The YA romantic comedy/Greek mythology fireworks continue to fly in My Date From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book two of this teen fantasy romance series. Breaking up is easy; dating is deadly.

I've been sitting in front of my computer for twenty minutes, staring at the screen and trying to find a better way to start off this review, other than "OMG!!". See, I'm learning and/or trying! I get cookies for that, right?

You all know how much I loved My Ex From Hell. To say I was impatient to read what happened next is an understatement. I couldn't wait and I had really high expectations. I'm happy to say My Date From Hell does not disappoint.

Sophie is still the same funny, cool and slightly devious girl we met in the previous book. Only now she's a little more mature and more aware of what her responsibilities are or should be and what she needs to do in order to keep the people she loves safe. She has some insecurities, but those are more than normal, especially if you think about her being torn between her past as Persephone and her present as Sophie. She's also discovering things about herself in this book, things she didn't know she had before.

I also understood Kai more in this second book. There's a side of him that was hidden in the first book. He's still bad ass and he's still sexy and dangerous and funny as before, but he's also a little bit vulnerable and more mature than I thought he was at first. Also, there are things about his past that helped me understand him a lot better.

There are a few new characters, some good, some not so good. There's an addition to the group that I love and adore. He's a great, amazing guy and I hope to see more of him in the next book. Hannah is still as funny and smart as she was previously and Theo is still as loyal and he's still willing to sacrifice himself to protect Sophie.

There were so many funny moments in the book, I couldn't count them all. There was one that made me laugh so hard, I think I actually woke up a neighbor or two (sorry, neighbors!). There were also very serious, deep moments. And also some huge surprises that left me gasping.

Remember in the beginning when I said my first thought was to start this review with something other than "OMG"? Well, here's why: cliffhanger. Seriously, I have no... I'm speechless. Basically, I can't even express how I feel after that cliffhanger. I didn't even see it coming. I thought something else might happen but not THAT! I actually resisted the urge to scream, I was so surprised by it. And I have to wait until next year to see what happens next with these great characters. *pout*

If you haven't read My Ex From Hell, go ahead and read it before this book comes out at the end of this month. If you have read the first book, be prepared to love this one as well and to be very, very surprised.

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