Monday, November 11, 2013

Book Review: The Edge Of Always by J.A. Redmerski

Author: J.A. Redmerski
Series: The Edge of Never #2
Publisher: Forever Romance
Release Date: November 5th
My Rating:3.5 cups
Blurb (from Goodreads):

He was taking the long road. She was taking the road to nowhere. It just so happened that they led to the same place…

When everything falls apart, love remains . . .


Camryn Bennett has never been happier. Five months after meeting on a Greyhound bus, she and her soul mate Andrew Parrish are engaged—and a wedding isn’t the only special event in their future. Nervous but excited, Camryn can’t wait to begin the rest of her life with Andrew – a man she knows in her heart will love her always. They have so much to look forward to—until tragedy blindsides them.

Andrew doesn’t understand how this could happen to them. He’s trying to move on, and thought Camryn was doing the same. But when Andrew discovers Camryn is secretly harboring a mountain of pain and attempting to numb it in damaging ways, there is nothing he won’t do to bring her back to life. Determined to prove that their love can survive anything, Andrew decides to take Camryn on a new journey filled with hope and passion. If only he can convince her to come along for the ride…

You know, I was so happy when I heard there was going to be another book with Andrew and Camryn. I really loved them in The Edge Of Never and I was a bit sad when it ended. So when the new book was released I did a little happy dance and purchased the book right away.

I loved seeing them getting stronger as individuals and as a couple, growing up and doing the things they were dreaming about. I also liked that Camryn gets to come to terms to some events from her past and become a stronger person.

I'll be honest and tell you that when I finished the first book and read the blurb for this one, I kind of went "Oh, I know what will happen!". I kept hoping I was wrong. I really wished they didn't have to go through what they did, but I guess that's what helped them do the things I talked about earlier. My heart broke for them, even though I was expecting it.

There were some incidents that gave me the chills, especially since they can and do happen in real life. They're not done in a preachy way, they are just shown as things that happened to the characters and that can happen in real life if you're either in a bad place (mentally) or you aren't paying attention around you. I remember one of my teachers in college saying "Don't be afraid of what you do when you think things through, be afraid of those moments when your brain just isn't working". And that's what I felt happened in The Edge Of Always.

I really wanted to love this book as much as I loved The Edge Of Never. There were a few issues, however. Besides the slightly rushed ending, there were some scenes that made me go "Huh?". They were parts that didn't exactly fit with the image I had of Andrew and of Camryn.

The constant change of POV between Andrew and Camryn was one of the things I liked in both books. I feel like books told in 1st person aren't exactly complete, because I am a curious person and I want to see what every character feels and goes through. But J.A. Redmerski makes it pretty easy to figure that out because we get the two sides of the story.

The ending, even though it felt rushed, fit the story of Andrew and Camryn. And I did believe in their story and in their love. I do think that it was a sweet, sweet story of a love that heals and sneaks up on you. I heard that there's going to be a book about two characters we meet in this story and I'm very, very happy about that. I will definitely read more books by this author in the future.

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