Monday, November 25, 2013

Obsessed With Covers #12: Paradise Damned and The Falconer

Y'all know how much I love a pretty cover. I think about...40% of the books that end up on my shelves (be they physical or digital) do so because of the covers. Call me shallow but you have to admit that a pretty, shiny cover will catch your eye faster than a dull, boring one. Two, simple rules that I'll follow:

  • 1, 2 or 3 (no more than 3, though) covers per week;
  • books should be new-ish; no more than 2 years old.
Oh, before I share the covers that made me drool or want to stare at them for hours and hours, I have to say something. This is a semi-original idea. Why semi? Because almost every book blogger has something similar. The only thing I came up with was the title. If by any chance there's another blogger with a similar feature with the same title, I assure you I'm not stealing your idea. I'm just THAT bad with titles. Believe me, I'd love to be smarter and have a witty name for this feature, but I don't. So, no copyright infringement/theft/steal or anything of the sort was desired. All I can say is sorry :P


So, here are the prettiest covers I've seen this week.

I adore this cover so, so much. It's such a great cover, a mixture of creepy and sexy, with a little bit of danger in it. I love the snake, but I also love the two skulls behind her. Makes me wonder who those people were and what did they do to get decapitated or why are they in the woman's garden. Also, did she kill them?

Paradise Damned by S.M. Reine

This cover is so, so pretty. I love her hair (I'd love to have that hair color). Her choker/necklace looks amazing and I love those bead lines, they look like tears. And she looks like a fighter.

The Falconer by Elizabeth May

What about you? Did you see any cool covers this past week that you want to share?