Sunday, November 23, 2014

Reading Blogs & Eating Popcorn #6

Reading Blogs & Eating Popcorn is a weekly feature here at Ruby's Books, in which I share some of the posts written by other fellow book bloggers over the last week, posts that I loved so much I have to share. 

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It's been a while since I did a post in this series and I'm sorry for that. There are tons of good posts out there that deserve to be read by as many people as possible, so I decided to bring this back. Here are some of the posts I read and loved this week:

I'm late to the party (I'm so sorry guys!) but November is the Sci-Fi Month. This is an event hosted by Rinn, Asti, Leanne and Kelly. There are a lot of amazing posts done by a lot of bloggers, so if you want to check them out, go here and read more about the event and the bloggers participating.

I've read tons of other good posts since I've been missing, but since I have a tiny brain, I didn't think to save all the links *head meet desk*. 

Are there any good posts you've read and loved recently?