Friday, January 2, 2015

Shelf Love 2015 Reading Challenge

Show Your Shelves Some Love, No Book Buying Challenge 2015

Over the years I've bought a lot of books that are, unfortunately, sitting on my shelf looking pretty and collecting dust. When I heard about this challenge I decided to finally show those books the love they deserve and also to spend less money (for now at least) on new books.

This amazing challenge is hosted by the Rose, Julie and Lynn from ChapterBreak and Terri from Second Run Reviews. The rules are simple: read the books you already own and either abstain from buying new books or set up a monthly budget.

There are 6 levels that you can choose from:

  • 1-10 books: shake hands with your shelves 
  • 11-20 books: pat your shelves on the back 
  • 21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug 
  • 31-40 books: regular date night with your shelves 
  • 41-50 books: my shelves are now my bff 
  • 51+ books: my shelves and I are going steady
I'm choosing to read between 21 and 30 books from my shelf. I feel like this is the most realistic goal for me (we all know how bad I am at meeting them *sighs*). This, by the way, does not include digital books. 

If you want to join in on the fun, click on the photo or the links in the post and sign up.


  1. Ooh so you're not counting digital books for this challenge? Interesting, looking forward to seeing what you read :) Thanks for joining the challenge :)

    1. Yeah, I decided that as a resolutions, I'll read more physical copies of books instead of digital books. Plus, I really want to finish reading all of the books I already own :P Thank you for the challenge :D

  2. Good luck with the Challenge and welcome aboard!

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

    1. Thank you! I am very excited to start tackling my list :D

  3. Good Luck and thanks for joining our #Shelflove Challenge!!!

  4. Good Luck and thanks for joining our #Shelflove Challenge!!!
