Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Book Review: Keeping Secrets in Seattle by Brooke Moss

Author: Brooke Moss
Series: Series #1
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Release Date: February 18th 2013
My Rating: 4 cups
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Seattle hairstylist Violet Murphy always knew the day would come when her best friend Gabe Parker would want to settle down. She’d secretly wished it would be with her, but now that he’s chosen someone else—the prim, perfect Alicia—he wants Vi to be his best man.

Healing her broken heart isn’t easy, but when Violet meets Landon Harlow, a man who isn’t fazed by her funky style and less-than-delicate attitude, she takes a step in the right direction. Until Gabe’s fiancé’s gorgeous façade begins to crack, and Violet’s disturbing past comes back to haunt her, that is. Vi now finds herself armed with a series of lies that would break Gabe’s heart—and his engagement—if he knew their truth, and a secret from their childhood that could change everything.

With the wedding looming, her relationships unraveling, and the bachelor party of the century to plan, Violet must choose between a fresh start with Landon, or confronting her painful past and risking it all for a chance at a future with Gabe.

If there's one genre that I love just as much as urban fantasy it's chick lit. I adore chick lit for a variety of reasons, but the most important one is that it teaches you something new in a non-preachy, very subtle way. If you pay attention to details, there's always a life lesson hidden behind the funny, quirky characters and hilarious situations. Keeping Secrets in Seattle is no different.

I absolutely adored Violet. There was something very unique about her. Her love for vintage clothing made me immediately like her. Her style in general was just awesome and it made me very sad that she's not a real person, because she gave me that feeling that if you respect her and treat her right, she'd be your bestie. I understood her fear of confessing her love for her best friend. It was hard to see her struggle with that, especially given her past. Underneath her vintage clothing and unconventional hairstyle, she's a really strong person. And it made me sad that she had to go through what she did alone.

Speaking of her best friend. Gabe was a strange character. I can't say that I loved the guy, but I didn't dislike him either. It was just so hard to believe that he was clueless about Violet's feelings. I just can't believe that. If in fact he had no clue, boy is he blind! And if he did know about how she felt, he was cruel. But you know what they say, the heart wants what it wants. I was sad for Landon. He really was a great guy. If I could pick between the two of them, I'd pick Landon. Okay, yes, he does have a motorcycle, but that's beside the point *coughs*.

I can't say I was surprised by some of the things that happened. Even so, they were done in such a way that didn't seem cliche. And I loved the diary notes. Those were fun and it really felt like reading a diary entry. There were some hilarious moments in this book too. I did giggle a few times. All in all, Keeping Secrets in Seattle was a quick, fun read and it showed me once again why I love this genre.

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