Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Book Review Tour + Excerpt: Servicing The Target by Cherise Sinclair (+18)


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25327554-servicing-the-targetAuthor: Cherise Sinclair
Series: Masters of the Shadowlands #10
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated
Release Date: July 28th 2015
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: InkSlingerPR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
A discharged Army Ranger, Ben considers his job as a BDSM club security guard to be an excellent hobby. He’s never been tempted to join in. But everything changes when the notorious Mistress Anne inadvertently reveals the caring heart concealed beneath her Domme armor.

Now, he’s set his sights on the beautiful Shadowlands Mistress. Maybe he’d considered himself vanilla, but she can put her stiletto on his chest any day, any time. He’ll trust her delicate hands to hold his heart. And if she wants to whip his ass on the way to an outstanding climax, he’s just fine with that too.

Sure, he knows she likes “pretty boy” slaves. And he’s older. Craggy and rough. And six-five. Minor hindrances. The mission is a go.

Buy Links:  Amazon ** iTunes ** GooglePlay ** Barnes & Noble ** Kobo ** ARe

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

If there's one author not afraid of taking her readers into a new world with each book and making sure that they not only are going to learn something new about the world she's creating and about themselves,but also have a great time reading the story, that author is Cherise Sinclair. With each book of hers that I read I am in awe of how many new things and situations and relationships she's introduced me to and how she makes sure that even though the reader might be new and scared, they will at least get a new perspective on the BDSM lifestyle and culture.

Mistress Anne went from being the scary, sadist Domme everyone feared to being someone that I'd truly love to have a conversation with and maybe even be her friend. She's a really interesting character and seeing her both as a woman and as a domme was really interesting. The two roles fit her so well and made her character seem so real and complete. And I liked her artistic side. It made her look even more different than what I first thought of her.

Ben was a surprise. I did not see that one coming. When the news that Ben was going to be Anne's partner hit I didn't see it. I couldn't. I was so used to him being the quiet guy at the entrance, I never for a minute imagined he was going to be the man he turned out to be. Hearing both of their stories made me fall in love with these characters, because it was easy to see why they fit together so well. Not just because of their pasts, but also because they work so well together.

Old characters also appear in this book and it was nice to get updates on them. I can't wait to see who's next to find his/her match.

When I first heard that Mistress Anne was getting her own book I was a bit scared, to be honest. But after having read her and Ben's story  I have the confirmation yet again of why I love Sinclair's books so much.


     Lifting her sax, she wetted the reed and tested a wandering set of notes. With one hip on the railing, she let her internal playlist scroll and found herself playing “As Time Goes By.” Like a soft rain, the notes spilled over her deck and joined with the evening. A slow song, but not sad. It reminded her that the fundamentals of life, living and loving and dying, held the same from generation to generation.
That life could change for the better.
     She was changing, as was her world. Or maybe she should call it growing, rather than changing.
     As the tune went into the chorus, she heard Ben say something to Bronx in the kitchen. The dog whined an answer, and Ben’s big laugh rumbled out.
     He was quite a guy. He’d been so careful with her this afternoon. Not pushing, but not stopping before he’d made his point.
     Sometimes his internal strength was a bit disconcerting. All her slaves had wanted her in charge, wanted her to take control of everything. But Ben didn’t need her guidance.
     At the same time, he wouldn’t fall apart if she showed any weakness, and because of that, she could relax around him.
     But his obstinate need to be tough—to hide any weakness—was a problem. She should have noticed he was having flashbacks. But now she knew, and she could lead him to talk about his past. She’d pamper him up, keep him close, and ensure he got his sleep. He said he slept better at her house. With her.
     He liked being with her. The realization was…amazing. Overwhelming.
     She felt the same and more. He’d filled her life. Warmed it.
     With a slow flourish, she ended the song and started another. One that had been growing in her heart over the past week, with the knowledge, the worry, the awe.“When I Fall in Love.” The music flowed, the ache of her soul merging with the notes.
     She’d wanted to run. To push him away. And she hadn’t.
     Ben, I love you.
     The knowledge was terrifying and wonderful. For a little while yet, she’d savor the gift, and then she’d share.
     Light washed out over the deck, and he stood there, filling the doorway as completely as he did her heart. “I was listening to you play.”
     His golden-brown eyes held hers as he slowly smiled. “Mistress, may this submissive haul you off to bed?”


Having to wear glasses in elementary school can scar a person for life.

Dubbed a nerd at an early age, Cherise Sinclair has been trying to live up to the stereotype ever since. And what better way than being an author?

Known for writing deeply emotional stories, the USA Today Bestselling Author has penned sixteen erotic romance novels, most with a BDSM theme. (Please do not mention the phrase mommy porn in her presence.) Her awards range from a National Leather Award to a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice nomination to a GoodReads BDSM group award for best author of the year.

Cherise lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband. Their two fledglings have left the nest recently to try their wings and hopefully will fly high and strong. The “ascendant erotica queen” (Rolling Stone Magazine) now spends her days writing with occasional supervision from a sadistic calico cat.

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