Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Shelf Love: Perils of Book hoarding

The perils of book hoarding. Oh man. I am guilty of this. Especially when I visit thrift stores. Why, you ask? Because that is the moment when I realize that "OMG, I need this book in my life now". I've bought tons of books from thrift stores. Not because I'm cheap or anything, but because I find really good books there, books that I either can't find in bookstores or books that I never thought about buying. And usually the thrift stores from my town are associated with charities.

Another book hoarding habit that has been growing and growing and growing recently... Freebies. You know how we had that topic about where you get your freebies a while back? Well, bargains and freebies are so easy to hoard.

I, however, don't like to think of it as "hoarding". It's a slightly ugly word. I like to see it more as "building my own live-in library". See? Much better this way! There is one...problem here. I don't think I'd ever make enough money to buy a house big enough for all of the books I want to have to fit in. Which is why I thank every day for having an e-reader! Also, each new book means one step closer to a new visit to the furniture store for yet another book shelf.

So how about you? Do you hoard books?


  1. Ha! I love your take on it - building your own live-in library is perfect :)

    1. Thank you! It seems better to see it that way, doesn't it :P Way better than just "hoarding" :))

  2. Yes, yes, I would love my own live-in library! Fantastic.

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

  3. I am absolutely, unequivocally a book hoarder. But I shall henceforth refer to myself as a "library architect", because that has a MUCH nicer ring to it. And seriously- what is with the allure of cheap books!? I will buy ANY book if it is on sale. I have actually gotten better about it but still, the struggle is real!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
