Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Confessions Of a Weird Reader #5: Me and Comic Books

Ever since I can remember I've had this big moments in my life as a reader. The first books I ever read were the Disney tie-in books that I absolutely adored. Then came the moment I discovered my love for fantasy. Then I discovered vampires, romance novels and contemporary books. Last year I discovered TV fanfiction and I have never been the same (because really, sometimes I need more scenes with my OTPs than I could ever get from the show itself). Aaand now I've gotten the comic book/graphic novel bug. 

The first time I was ever read a comic book was when I was around 9 I think, when my parents got me Asterix and Cleopatra. I remember looking at that book and noticing how pretty the drawings were (though Cleopatra did have a big nose in that book). But I also remember being utterly unable to wrap my mind around how to read it or how the dialogue bubbles made a story. It just never made sense to me. Then as I got older and I started reading more and more books, I didn't quite find a subject or story that made me want to delve into the world of comicss. Sure, I grew up watching Wonder Woman and Superman (the movies and the TV show), but I didn't exactly wanted to read more about them. And I know, it sounds strange when you think about it, especially since I'm the one who refuses to watch certain movies The Hunger Games before reading the books. Then earlier this year I decided to try one out, mostly because I was frustrated with the short and few scenes that Hawkeye got in the first Avengers movie. He needed more screen time.

Fast forward to this week and I now am exploring. Best way to explore? Free comic issues on comiXology and Amazon. I might have created a monster with this. But I've discovered a few things this week:

             -  I like colored comics more than black & white ones (although if I ever get to buy paperback versions of b&w comics, I could try to color them in... don't judge me!);
             - I do, in fact, want to read lesser-known graphic novels, not just those with the famous superheroes;
             - I might be willing to read an insane amount of movie/tv show tie-in comic books *cough*Buffy*cough*;
             - The most important discovery of all: comic books are fun to read!

I never thought I'd get to enjoy reading comic books as much as I am currently. I also caught myself searching for old issues at flea markets. Sadly, I don't think I'll ever have enough money for those. Shame, really.

Anyway, it's nice to spread my wings as a reader and discover new books. I feel proud of myself, to be honest.

So let's talk about comic books. Do you read them? How did you start?

PS.: If you happen to read comic books and know some good ones, do recommend me some. I am new to this and looking at the different story lines for the superheroes I have to admit, I'm a lot a bit scared. But don't limit yourselves to superheroes. Like I said, I'm willing to read other comics besides Marvel/DC books.