Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #7: Five Recent 5-Star Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Hey guys! This week we're talking about the books we most loved recently. I haven't had as much time to read as I'd like (thankfully a bigger vacation is coming up soon and I'll have time for binge-reading), so I'm only doing my Top 5 recent reads. You'll notice that three of them have something in common *coughs*

1. Stronger Than Fear - Marc Levy 
2. Dead In The Water - Hailey Edwards
3. Firstlife - Gena Showalter
5. Replay - Marc Levy

Remember in February when I said that it was the month of binge-reading the books of one of my favorite authors? That was Marc Levy, if you didn't figure that out already. I can't wait to get my hands on his latest books. I still have three books of his to read (one that I DNFed the first time, one that I'm deathly scared of because of the subject and one that I just never got around to read). Anyway, long story short, these are the top 5 books that I read so far in 2016 that I absolutely loved. 

What about you? Which books did you read recently that you loved?