Sunday, April 10, 2016

Early Book Review: Drifter by Bella Jewel

Author: Bella Jewel
Series: MC Sinners Next Generation #2
Release Date: March 21st, 2016
My Rating: 4 cups
Source: Give Me Books Promotions
Blurb (from Goodreads):

They say opposites attract. In my world that isn’t a good thing. I did everything I could to escape the grips of motorcycle club I grew up in when I turned twenty-one.
It wasn’t about fear, or betrayal, or even lack of love. I just needed my own life.
I had to know how it felt to stand on my own two feet without their protection.
Then I met Diesel. Mysterious, dark, with eyes that screamed to be understood.
From the second I met him, I knew I needed to be in his life.
There’s just one problem – he’s a member of a different motorcycle club.
Two things that should never be combined. Yet I can’t stay away.
No matter how hard he pushes. I can see beyond his mask.
I need to know who he is and I’ll overcome any obstacle to be in his life.
A friendship is born, followed by an epic love.
Our relationship is forbidden.
But I’ll do anything to be in his life.
*Disclaimer: I received an eARC in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or my opinion of the book.

If there's something I love more than reading book series is reading a book series about the children of the heroes and heroines from previous books/series. I adore not only to catch up with characters I adored reading about, but also seeing how the next generation is dealing with stuff, growing up, what their life story looks like, how they are dealing with the choices of their parents. And given the fact that I loved reading about MC Sinners, I had to read the Next Generation, because of that but also because come on here, bikers???

It was interesting reading about how Mercedes and Danny, her brother, were raised. This is actually the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about this book. It was interesting, because they both have really different experiences withing the MC world, and they both have different opinion about being in a club.

Mercedes turned out into such a sweet young woman! I adore her. I'm actually getting a little bit emotional, especially remembering the scene of her birth. I like her sarcasm, her wit, her humor. I also liked how she was willing to sacrifice herself to protect her friends. What I didn't like, although I understood, was her need to not let anybody know she's Spike's daughter or that she was raised in an MC. I get why she didn't say anything about it, but I didn't like it.

Diesel is such a cool guy. He can be an asshole sometimes, but he's cool. He didn't have a nice start in life, which I remember from his Dad's book, and he also had a rough time growing up, something that's revealed in this book. So it kind of explains why he's an asshole sometimes.

I liked the fact that this was basically Romeo and Juliet without anyone dying. And I liked seeing Diesel being exposed to Mercy's quirkiness and her humor. I also enjoyed another aspect of this book, dealing with the MC world, that I can't give too many details of because major spoilers.

I didn't get to read the first book in the series yet, Pandemonium, but I plan on remedying that soon. And I also cannot wait for the next book in the series. If you haven't read the first series though, go ahead and read it because it is awesome, as well :D