Monday, June 27, 2016

Early Book Review: The Devil In Disguise by Cynthia Eden

Author: Cynthia Eden
Series: Bad Things #1
Audience: +18
Publisher: Hocus Pocus Publishing, Inc.
Release Date: June 28th 2016
My Rating: 4 cups
Source: Netgalley
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Don’t make the devil angry…

Luke Thorne loves having one hell of a good time. As the ruler of every dark creature to walk the earth, he certainly has more than a bit of a bad side. He lives for danger and isn’t the type to lose his heart—mostly because he doesn’t have one. Then she walks into his life.

Mina James is seduction in the flesh, a perfect temptation that the devil himself couldn’t pass up. Too late, Luke realizes he’s let a real siren into his life, a woman who is bent on using his dark powers to free herself from hidden enemies. Since Luke isn’t the type of man to be used, he should walk away from her, but…something about Mina draws him close.

Soon he’s realizing that she isn’t who she appears to be. Not dark and cold, but burning red hot. Mina is a woman fighting for her life—and the Lord of the Dark suddenly finds himself in an unlikely role…hero. Luke isn’t going to let her enemies destroy Mina. He will fight heaven and hell to keep her. But in the end, the secrets they both carry may just rip apart a love that should never have been…

There are Bad Things in the world…very, very bad. Are you ready for them?

*Disclaimer: I received an e-ARC of this book from Netgalley and Hocus Pocus Publishing, Inc. in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my opinion of the book or my rating in any way.

In the last two weeks or so I've been having the need to read some urban fantasy, which is when I stumbled across this book on Netgalley. Between the cover, the blurb and my recent obsession with the TV show Lucifer, I just had to give this book a try. And I'm so, so happy I tried it out.

I really loved the premise of this book. The ruler of all things dark is brought to his knees my a single, little siren. It was interesting to see the inner conflict that Luke has. He's been brought up to believe there's nothing good about him, that he can basically destroy anything and everything good around him, so seeing him struggle with his feelings and with his actions towards Mina was interesting. I feel like by the end of the book a lot of the things he believed in regarding himself and the world in general were put under a microscope and examined really well, and I feel like that will help him grow a lot as a character. I feel like he needed that.

Mina is one of those characters that manage to somehow  break my heart a little bit. She had a tough life and when I got near the end of the story, the irony of it all wasn't lost on me. I would want to explore her world more, since something that happened at the end was quite... strange and something that doesn't make sense. It kind of broke the rules, so to speak, but in a good way.

I have to say though, I would have loved it if the book explored the reasons for Luke's reaction towards Mina. Maybe it will be explored later on, as the series explores other characters, but it would be interesting to know why his instincts told him he needed to protect her, and why he reacted the way he did in certain situations.

All in all, a good start to a new paranormal series and I am very anxious to read the next book in the series.