Sunday, October 2, 2016

September Wrap-up

Hello my lovely fellow book readers! I'm super excited for October, guys! September is nice and all, but it's October that has my heart during the fall season. Let's face it, it's all about Halloween with me. 

I'm kinda sad to say that I haven't read as much in September as I wanted to. I did have some personal stuff to deal with, that made me not want to read as much during this month. I did manage to read a few of the books I had on my TBR for this month. I admit to getting a bit nuts with the request button on Netgalley, as well with blog tour sign-ups, which is why most of the books I read were extras. Oh well #sorrynotsorry.

I also wrote a few reviews. I'm actually proud of how many I managed to write. I seem to have found my muse again, which is a nice thing. Here are the reviews I wrote:

I don't have any plans yet as to what to read this month. I do have some blog tours coming up, and I'm continuing on binge reading the Masters and Mercenaries series by Lexi Blake, but other than that I don't have a definitive TBR. I might try to pick up some of the books that are on my Fall TBR

What about you guys? Did you read all the books you wanted to read during September? What are your plans for October?