Monday, November 21, 2016

Book Review: On Her Master's Secret Service by Lexi Blake

Author: Lexi Blake
Series: Masters and Mercenaries #4
Audience: +18
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, BDSM
Publisher: Dlz Entertainment
Release Date: May 12th 2013
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: Author
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Her submission fulfilled her

When Eve St. James married Alex McKay, she had her whole life ahead of her. They were the FBI’s golden couple by day, but by night Eve gave herself over to her husband’s world of Dominance and submission filled with pleasures she came to crave.

His betrayal destroyed her

Worried for her safety, Alex left Eve behind to tackle a dangerous mission. But Alex never suspected that Eve was the real target and her security is destroyed by a madman. By the time he rescues her, his wife has been changed forever.

But when her life is in danger, he is her only hope
Unable to heal the damage, Alex and Eve are still trapped together in a cycle of pleasure and misery that even their divorce cannot sever. But when a threat from Eve’s past resurfaces, Alex will stop at nothing to save her life and reclaim her heart.

*Disclaimer: I received an e-copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or my opinion of the book in any way.

One of the major subplots in the first three books, in my opinion, regarded Alex and Eve, and it's one that has kept me guessing and insanely curious, so I was very happy when I learned that I didn't have to wait too long before finding out what happened between them.

As expected, this is one hard story to read. We finally get to learn what happened to Alex and Eve, why they broke up, but also why they keep having what seems like a very toxic relationship. During the previous books, I'll be honest and say that I thought Eve was too harsh, to mean, too cruel to Alex. But then I got it. It wasn't that she was cruel to him,but that she was cruel to herself, he was just the instrument. I truly respect her for being able to survive what she went through, for not letting what happened to her rule her life indefinitely. From what she herself says, it actually helped her become a stronger, more independent version of herself. As I said, I truly respect her.

Alex broke my heart in his own way. I honestly don't think he deserved to be on the receiving end of a psycho's wrath and evilness. It was especially heartbreaking because you can see how much he loves Eve, and how much he's willing to go through for her, how much he's willing to suffer.

I have to be honest, I got some Mentalist vibes during this book, if only for the way their background story developed, in a "what if she was still alive" kind of way, which I very much liked. The betrayal mentioned in the blurb of the book was not the one I was thinking about, it's actually quite different than what I had in mind. Strangely enough, I liked that the story went there, even though it made Alex and Eve go through a really rough patch in their relationship, because it showed a very important aspect of what someone needs when trying to get past a trauma. It's hard to talk about that aspect of the story without giving too much away, but let's just say I liked the fact that Blake went there with her story.

The plot is very well paced, and the story kept me guessing for a very long time. I kind of figured some stuff out in advance, but that didn't take away from the story. This was a very good installment in the series, and I was super happy that Eve and Alex got to have a second chance. All in all, a great book that I enjoyed very much.