Monday, November 7, 2016

Book Review: Promise The Moon by Hailey Edwards

Author: Hailey Edwards
Series: Lorimar Pack #1
Audience: +18
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal
Publisher: Self-published
Release Date: 29 Oct 2016
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: Netgalley
Blurb (from Goodreads):
War is a constant threat on Dell Preston's horizon. As beta of the Lorimar pack, her job is to maintain the peace on the new border between Faerie and Earth at all costs. Even if that means playing nice with her ex, Isaac, the fae who savaged her wolf's soul, and Enzo Garza, the flirty witch who ought to be focused on building up their magical defenses instead of tearing down the walls around Dell's heart.

Butler, Tennessee is a pinprick on the map with a diverse population of supernaturals. It's also chockful of humans who are unaware of the magical rift bruising the sky or the otherworldly insurgents raining down into their zipcode.

A local fae's disappearance catches Dell's attention, but she dismisses it as an isolated event. Until it happens again. Unable to ignore the strange happenings in her town, she begins an investigation that uncovers so much more than a simple rash of kidnappings.

Now Dell finds herself at the sharp end of a pointed ultimatum. Find the missing and return them to their families or get ready for prime time. Botch this job, and forget coming soon. The war will become tomorrow's featured attraction instead.

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC from Netgalley and CrushStar Multimedia LLC in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or my opinion of the book in any way.

I honestly can't get tired of the world of the Black Dog and connected series. I was super happy when I saw that Dell was also getting her own story.

We met Dell in the Gemini series, as Cord's friend, packmate and protégé. I love that in the Lorimar pack she gets to be her true self. In her old pack, she had to hide who she really was, and you could tell that it was getting really difficult for her to do that, so I was really happy to see her explore who she was really meant to be. I felt sorry for Dell at times, reading about her having to make decisions that she really didn't want to make, but that's because it was easy to see how uncomfortable she was in that role. I like how loyal she is, and how, no matter the danger, she's willing to do anything to protect those she cares about.

One thing I loved about this book is that it gives the readers a very different idea of what being a werewolf means. I loved the duality of this creature, how the woman was not the same entity as the wolf. I think that's a pretty unique approach to the image of the werewolf, and it explains so much of what happened in the Gemini series.

The plot was fast-paced, and I enjoyed reading more about the fae. There were some really funny scenes in this book, that had me giggle like a loon. As per usual with a book by Hailey Edwards, expect a big cliffhanger at the end. I am really curious to see how the next book in the series will continue this story, to see what will happen to Dell and her friends and packmates next.