Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Book Review: Passion Never Dies: The Complete Reborn Series by Anna Durand

Author: Anna Durand
Series: Reborn
Audience: +18
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Jacobsville Books
Release Date: November 4th 2016
My Rating: 4 Cups
Source: Reading Alley
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Dawn woke up drowning, inside a tank in a laboratory straight out of a science fiction movie. Blinded by amnesia, she has no choice but to trust in the alluring stranger who pulls her out of the tank, but Jake Maxwell knows more than he cares to admit. Now Redeo Biotech, the company responsible for Dawn's resurrection, is hunting them both.

As their passion for each other blossoms, Jake and Dawn must outwit their enemies and rediscover their past lives. But when their greatest foe rises from the ashes of ancient Egypt bent on vengeance, only Jake and Dawn's eternal connection has the power to save them.

This collection includes the novellas Reborn to Die, Reborn to Burn, Reborn to Avenge, and Reborn to Conquer.

*Disclaimer: Review copy provided via Reading Alley in exchange for an honest review.

A very interesting take on reincarnation

Ancient Egypt is one of my favorite topics ever, and when I heard about this book I just knew I had to try it. I've always been fascinated by the culture, and the beliefs of ancient Egyptians, especially about their views about life after death.

This book offers a very interesting take reincarnation. It was interesting to see how themes like ancient curses, destined lovers, and life after death were tackled in this book. I was also very intrigued by the author's choice to include science in the story. I found it very interesting how, in the first part of the story, it seemed like it was all related to the science of resurrection rather than the magical/mystical element of it. The scientist in me was very curious to see how the human soul would be described in this book, or how it would be explained. However, as the story moves on and we learn more about Dawn and Jake, the story focuses more and more on the idea of reincarnation rather than resurrection per se. A part of me was a little bit sad by that fact, but I still enjoyed reading the story and seeing how everything was going to be explained as the story moved on.

One thing that I enjoyed a lot was the fact that, because this series was made of four novellas, the plot and pacing were moving along quite well, without having long periods of time where the actual action of the story stalled. I also liked to see how each novella focused on a different aspect of the story. If in the beginning the focus is more on Dawn and her fight to find out who she is and to escape Vahl, at the end the focus is turned towards finding out who Jake is and why exactly he is so important.

I was a bit confused at first as to why exactly the connection between Jake and Dawn was presented as natural as it was. This was a case of love-at-first-sight story, or "insta-love", but I was quite intrigued to understand why. I liked that we weren't introduced to the possibility of Jake being a reincarnation of Dawn's first love until a bit later in the book. I also enjoyed seeing the difference between Dawn and Jake, how exactly they remembered their past lives, and what led to them remembering.

All in all, a good story, that I enjoyed reading. I'll definitely be checking more of this author's work in the future.