Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #13: Top Ten 2017 Debuts I'm Excited For

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Happy Tuesday and Happy New Year folks!

Today's topic is Top Ten 2017 Debuts I'm Excited For. As you probably can imagine, I'm super excited for a lot of debuts and a lot of 2017 book, because how could I not be excited for them??? I tried really hard to pick my top 10 out of that list (it was very difficult), but I made it. Here's my list:

1. Blood Rose Rebellion - Rosalyn Eves
2. Frostblood - Elly Blake
3. Poison's Kiss - Breeana Shields
4. Of Jenny And The Aliens - Ryan Gebhart
5. Shadow Run -  AdriAnne Strickland, Michael Miller

6. The Education Of Margot Sanchez - Lilliam Rivera
7. Girl Out Of Water - Laura Silverman
8. The Love Interest - Cale Dietrich
9. One Of Us Is Lying - Karen M. McManus
10. The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas

What about you? Which 2017 debuts are you most excited about?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! you got a lot of awesome books! I hope these books are worth reading!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
