Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Release Day Launch Book Review: Razr by Larissa Ione

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From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Larissa Ione, comes RAZR, a passionate and spellbinding novella from the Demonica Underworld Series, brought to you by 1,001 Dark Nights! Be sure you grab your copy today!

RAZR - coverAuthor: Larissa Ione
Series: Demonica #11.8
Audience: +18
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated
Release Date: April 11th 2017
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: InkSlinger PR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
A fallen angel with a secret.

An otherworldly elf with an insatiable hunger she doesn't understand.

A cursed gem.

Meet mortal enemies Razr and Jedda...and the priceless diamond that threatens to destroy them both even as it bonds them together with sizzling passion.

Welcome back to the Demonica Underworld, where enemies find love...if they're strong enough to survive.

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book from InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating of the book or the content of my review in any way.

Every trip back to the Demonica world brings me so much joy, and Razr is no different. I have to be honest and say that, since it's been a while since I've read the Horsemen part of the series, I don't remember much about the heavenly weapons that the angels used, especially not the Gems of Enoch. I do assume it's mentioned in Revenant, but I haven't read that one yet. I'm rereading the entire series, so I'll get to it pretty soon.

It always surprises me how the world of Demonica shifts and manages to get bigger and bigger with each new story. Jedda is a creature I haven't even thought of being possible, to be honest, and I'm truly truly excited because that means there is new stuff that can be explored within this world *winks*.

Razr also was really interesting, and I don't remember much of him from before, but I like how his story sheds some more light into the truly mysterious world of the angels within the Demonica series. We might know a few angels, but I feel like the more angels are brought into this story, the more we get to discover about the creatures.

The pacing is great and I didn't feel like I was reading a novella, although I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed for new, longer novels within this world *fingers crossed*. I wonder if this story somehow will influence the events in future books or if they somehow set the scene for more stories. I'm definitely looking forward to new stories, even if just novellas. Anything to keep me coming back to this world.

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  couple kissing on motorbike    
EXCERPT : “I want to know why you wear a damned burlap sack and flip-flops every damned day. You have access to anything you want, but the only times you aren’t dressed like a medieval monk are when you leave Sheoul-gra.” Azagoth cocked his head and intensified his focus, leaving Razr feeling like a germ under a microscope. “Is it part of your punishment?”
Razr started. He’d been living in Sheoul-gra and working in Azagoth’s employ for over a year now, and this was the first time his boss had asked him anything that wasn’t work-related.
“Yes,” Razr said, but it was a simple answer to a complex issue.
“Your situation is unique. You aren’t fallen, but you aren’t a Heavenly angel, either. You aren’t even Unfallen,” Azagoth said, referring to the in-between state of an angel who had lost his wings but who hadn’t entered Sheoul, the demon realm, to complete his fall from grace. He glided over to the wet bar and splashed rum into two glasses. “Heaven created a new designation of angel just for you.”
“Yeah,” Razr drawled. “Ain’t I special.” Except he wasn’t. There was another who had shared his status, his former lover Darlah, presumed dead after failing to return from a mission.
A mission that was now Razr’s alone.
Azagoth handed him one of the glasses, and Razr struggled to hide his surprise. And suspicion. The male rarely acknowledged his existence, let alone treated him like an equal. “For some reason, you are special.”
This was really getting weird. Azagoth had never shown any interest in him, but honestly, Razr was shocked that the guy didn’t know more about Razr’s story. He’d figured Heaven would have given Azagoth the full scoop, but apparently not.
“What I can’t figure out,” Azagoth continued, “is why you haven’t managed to take care of your business and get back into Heaven.”
Unable to remain still under this bizarre scrutiny, Razr swirled the rum around in his glass. “It’s not like you give me a lot of free time.”
“So it’s my fault?” Azagoth’s voice was smooth as velvet and just dark enough to raise the hair on Razr’s head. One didn’t just accuse the Grim Reaper of stalling shit. Not if they liked wearing their skin.
“Not at all,” Razr replied carefully, because his skin was pretty useful right where it was. “It’s just that I have limited resources in Sheoul-gra. I need more time in the human and demon realms.”

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Larissa Ione - author image  About Larissa Ione: Larissa Ione is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. An Air Force veteran, she traded in a career as a meteorologist to pursue her passion of writing. She now spends her days in pajamas with her computer, strong coffee, and supernatural worlds. She believes in celebrating everything, and would never be caught without a bottle of Champagne chilling in the fridge…just in case. She currently lives in Wisconsin with her U.S. Coast Guard husband, her teenage son, a rescue cat named Vegas, and her very own hellhound, a King Shepherd named Hexe.  

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