Wednesday, July 19, 2017

2017 ARC August Sign Up Post

The very fine ladies from Read.Sleep.Repeat are hosting the 5th edition of ARC August, and I am definitely signing up. Although this year I've been a good girl (mostly) and haven't requested as many ARCs, I still have a bunch from last year, because I've been in a reading/blogging funk AND work has been killing me! So I'm taking advantage of the summer break and reading as many ARCs as I can. I don't really have a set number for this, I just know that my actual number 1 goal is to reach an 80% review ratio on Netgalley, so I'll try to make that happen this year. I dread writing those DNF reviews tho, people! 

Anyway, I'll be updating my dedicated Goodreads shelf with the books I'm reading. Wish me luck!

Oh, also, do sign up for this event! It will be super fun, as usual!


  1. Good luck and happy reading! I'm participating too and I would love to get my NetGalley ration to 80% as well.

    1. Thank you! Good luck to you too Jordan! Yes, it would be nice to get to 80% finally :D
