Thursday, August 3, 2017

Book Review: Ecstasy Claimed by Setta Jay

Author: Setta Jay
Series: Guardians of the Realms #2
Audience: +18
Genre: Erotic Romance, Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Setta Jay, LLC
Release Date: March 23rd 2014, Re-edited on March 6th 2017
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: giveaway
Blurb (from Goodreads):
2017 re-edited edition!

Gregoire has spent centuries with his brother Guardians fighting for the safety and security of the Realms. Endless decades of battling mixed with bouts of mindless sex to sate his needs. Needs that haven’t truly been fulfilled since she was born. The one destined to be his bonded mate. For the last twenty five years Gregoire has kept his distance giving her time to grow into a female who is capable of handling his intense dominance.

Alyssa has done everything that was expected of her, until the day she finds out she has a mate who has left her unclaimed. Unheard of when mates are rare and coveted. Even worse is the fact that he is the most powerful of her race and a Guardian of the Realms. Furious at the rejection she decides she is now in charge of her life. No more will she allow others to rule her.

Against the backdrop of evil forces that are conspiring to topple the Realms, can Gregoire find his wayward mate before she is taken by corrupt Immortals? Can Alyssa forgive him and learn to exert her own female power while surrendering to his savage passion? And will the two of them be able to forge a mate bond that cannot be severed... or will they be forever cursed with an Ecstasy Unclaimed?

Warning: Dirty talking, possessive alpha male; scenes of sexual exhibition; an instance of f/f; spankings and more.
*Disclaimer: I won a copy of this book from a contest held by the author. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way

Last year I discovered this new gem in the romance/sci fi & fantasy section of Netgalley and holy moly am I in love with this series.

Ecstasy Claimed continues telling the story of how the Guardians are struggling to keep the people under their protection safe from Cyril's madness and Elizabeth's cruelty, while pushing them further towards their destined mates.

Alyssa is a fantastic heroine and I am super in love with her. I like that she didn't wait for Gregoire to find the courage to go get her, and instead went to become her own person when she found out about him. I also loved how she did that, the choices she made, even though it infuriated her mate (good for her!).

I understood why Gregoire decided to stay away from his mate, I really did. I also admired his self-control. He could have taken advantage of the situation, but he proved to be worthy of being a Guardian of the realms by not abusing the gift given to him. Although yes, I'll admit it, I did enjoy seeing him suffer a little bit because of his mate, because he did kind of deserve it. He could have at least let her know he existed, right?

The thing that I love most about this series is that it's not just about Gregoire and Alyssa, you also have Sam and Erik going forward with their relationship and starting to heal from what Cyril put them through. We also get to know more about Cyril and to understand how truly evil he is, making it pretty obvious that if he is as evil and deranged as he is, I can only imagine how his father, Apollo was.

I am very excited to read the rest of the series, which I'm currently bingeing on, and I'm even more excited about the upcoming spin-off. If you're a fan of paranormal fantasy, you definitely have to read this series, now!