Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #14: Ten book recommendations for Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Lovers

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

Hey there! Happy Tuesday! For today's topic I'm going to share some of my favorite top ten book recommendations for paranormal/urban fantasy lovers. Immortals After Dark, Demonica, Dark Hunter, Alien Huntress, Southern Vampire Mysteries, and many, many others, I know you've heard of them. I've definitely enjoyed reading them. But this post is about those series and books that are either just starting out or that I haven't seen being talked about as much as it should. These are books and series that I discovered in the last two years that I feel need some love and appreciation, because they are awesome. So, here we go:

  1. Dog Eat Dog World by Hailey Edwards - It's no secret that I adore all 4 connected series that make up the Dog Eat Dog mega-series. I love how they each reveal a little piece of the puzzle, and just when you think you've got it all figured out BAM! Another surprise comes along. I hope this series never ends. You can start reading this series with the Black Dog series.
  2. The Becoming by Jeanne C. Stein - I wouldn't be me if I didn't include at least one vampire book in this list. This book reminded me of the older urban fantasy books I've read, back when the plot was much more connected to mysteries and crime, when it felt like a mystery novel with a supernatural twist. I liked that. I liked that a lot.
  3. Guardians of the Realms by Setta Jay - This series, among others, reminds me why I love paranormal romance. If you haven't tried it, you must. There's no limit to the creatures you're going to read about, each with different strengths and weaknesses, and the sex is hott, with a double t because trust me, it is off the charts.
  4. Hell To Pay by Jillian David - This series was one of those unexpected discoveries that I am so happy I got to read. I'm even more happy for the fact that there's a spin-off, one that gets my imagination running wild.
  5. Bayou Heat by Alexandra Ivy & Laura Wright - This series reminds me of my very first paranormal series, Lora Leigh's Breeds. And I love this series for it. While the tone, the stories, the plots, all are very different, the feel is the same, and I can't help falling more and more in love with this series with each book I read.
  6. Legal Wolf's Mate by Eve Langlais - This was a fun story, one with werewolves and werecats and I was very happy to see it was part of a series. Will definitely check out the rest of the books
  7. Reborn by Anna Durand - I'm obsessed with all things Ancient Egypt, so it's no wonder I like this story about soulmates, love that lasts forever, reincarnations and centuries old curses. 
  8. Caress of Pleasure by Julie Kenner - Phoenixes. Do I need to say more? I don't think I've read a lot of stories about phoenixes as main characters, and this story, part of the 1001 Dark Nights series, was super fun. I am definitely going to read all the books.
  9. Muse Chronicles by Lisa Kessler - Yet another fantastic series about ancient gods, more accurately the daughters of Zeus and their reincarnations. I love it, each book shows you another little piece of the puzzle. Definitely a must read.
  10. Eternal Guardians by Elizabeth Naughton - Greek gods, myths, legends, ancient creatures, and, most importantly, Sirens. I need to go back to read this series from the beginning, but I'm hooked.
I feel that I should have nominated at least at least 5 or 100 other books and series in these genres, but I fear my post would never end. What is your list? What are 10 books you'd recommend to someone?