Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Comic Book Tuesday #26: Wonder Woman Vol. 3: The Truth (Rebirth) by Greg Rucka

Author: Greg Rucka
Series: Wonder Woman, Volume V #3
Audience: +16
Genre: Comic Book
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: August 29th 2017
My Rating: 3 cups
Source: Netgalley
Blurb (from Goodreads):
A part of DC Universe Rebirth!

New York Times best-selling writer Greg Rucka continues his return to WONDER WOMAN! Rucka is joined by fan favorite artist Liam Sharp as Diana's life is unraveling around her. Diana’s search for the truth about herself, her history, and her home Themyscira, takes her on a journey into darkness. But the price of understanding may be one sacrifice too many for Wonder Woman.

Collects WONDER WOMAN #13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25.

Rebirth honors the richest history in comics, while continuing to look towards the future. These are the most innovative and modern stories featuring the world's greatest superheroes, told by some of the finest storytellers in the business.

Honoring the past, protecting our present and looking towards the future. This is the next chapter in the ongoing saga of the DC Universe. The legacy continues.

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book from Netgalley and DC Comics in exchange for an honest review. This does not inlfuence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

I had really high hopes for this volume, which unfortunately weren't completely met.

The book starts off with Wonder Woman having some issues, being completely unresponsive towards the outside world, and a good part of the first half of the volume shows Diana suffering from some mental issues. I enjoyed that part, but I feel like it wasn't explored as it should have, nor was it explained in a proper way. This may be because, yet again, this volume includes only select issues, so I didn't get to read about how she actually found it in her to fight her catatonic state and her delusions. I also didn't completely understand what brought the entire situation on, but that may be because I haven't read Vol. 2. So maybe it was explained there. I liked the fact that she realizes that she's not as invincible as she thought in the beginning. I also liked that eventually the laws of the Amazons are respected, in the sense that what she was warned about in the past came true. I don't want to give too many details, because I don't want to spoil it for anyone in case you haven't read it. Even so, I was pretty unimpressed with the ending. I was expecting this huge plot against Wonder Woman, at least from the way the story was told in the first volume. I do hope that the story will be picked up in the future and the implications of what Diana found out will be explored more thoroughly.

The art, as usual with the Wonder Woman Rebirth storyline, is stellar. I really have no complaints there. I hope I get to read more comic books drawn by Liam Sharp, as he is very talented and manages to capture the exact mood and tone of each panel, each dialogue, each scene, even each character.

I think I probably would have enjoyed this volume a lot more if it had all the issues, not just select ones. That way the story would have made much more sense, and I wouldn't have the feeling I'm missing something. Other than that, I hope there will be more Wonder Woman books in the future, because I am curious if some of the details from this volume will be explored more.