Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Blog Tour Book Review: Surrender by Elisabeth Naughton

From New York Times Bestselling author Elisabeth Naughton, comes SURRENDER, a new novella in her House of Sin Series, brought to you by 1,001 Dark Nights! Be sure to grab your copy today!

Author: Elizabeth Naughton
Series: House of Sin #3.5
Audience: +18
Genre: Erotic Romance
Publisher: Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated
Release Date: June 12th 2018
My Rating: 4 Cups
Source: InkSlinger PR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Elisabeth Naughton comes a new story in her House of Sin series…

The leaders of my House want her dead.
The men I’ve secretly aligned myself with want her punished for screwing up their coup.
I’ve been sent by both to deal with her, but one look at the feisty redhead and I’ve got plans of my own.
Before I carry out anyone else’s orders, she’s going to give me what I want. And only when I’m satisfied will I decide if she lives or dies.
Depending, of course, on just how easily she surrenders…
*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

Although I'm familiar with Naughton's work, I've never read her House of Sin series, so I was very excited to read this novella and get introduced to the world of the Houses that rule the world.

Surrender is the story of Marco and Felicity as they try to piece together the mystery of who wants to harm Felicity and why. It's a dangerous, thrilling endeavor that I really enjoyed to see unfolding, and it made me really curious about the rest of the series. Marco and Felicity certainly have a lot of chemistry, but I wished we had more time seeing them outside of their roles and the rules of their world.

Because this was my first time reading a story from this series, I was a bit confused about the rules of the game. At times I felt a little bit lost, which is surprising to me because it was such a difference than my first experience with her Eternal Guardians series. I kept wishing I had more background information about the Houses, who the members were, what they actually did and why, what the rules within the Houses were. It didn't keep me from fully enjoying the book, but it did prove difficult when I tried connecting with the characters.

The story is pretty fast paced and I loved the hint of mystery and the danger that seemed to be very present in every scene. Although the romance felt a little bit rushed, it makes sense for a story this short. As short as the story was, however, it was action packed and I really enjoyed reading it.

All in all, I really enjoyed the story and I am very, very curious about the entire series.

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I glanced over the masked couples and frowned as I sipped my drink. “Afraid to say, it’s really not all that exciting from where I’m sitting, though.”
She smirked and lifted her glass to her lips. “And what do you find exciting, Mr. Garcia?”
Blood rolled through my veins and gathered in my groin as I pinned my eyes on her. “Very proper British women who eye-fuck strangers across the room and act shocked and dismayed when they’re called out for it.”
For a heartbeat, she didn’t respond, then slowly swallowed what was left in her glass and turned my way. “I wouldn’t dream of appearing shocked and dismayed.”
She stepped in close, and I realized she was much more petite than I’d originally assumed. Even in her four-inch heels, she had to push to her toes so I could feel her breath against my skin.
And holy hell, did I feel it. She breathed so hot over the scruff on my jaw, a blistering need whipped through my body, making me hard in a heartbeat. “And if I was really interested, Mr. Garcia, trust me. I wouldn’t be doing something as boring as eye-f*cking you from across the room.” The scent of gardenia melded with the whisky on her breath when she lowered her voice to a sultry note and added, “I’d be dragging you into a back room and literally f*cking that dirty mind right out of you.”
Holy mother of God...
She lowered to her heels, pinned me with a steamy look mixed with a hefty dose of trouble, and took the glass from my hand. Tipping it back, she swallowed the last mouthful without breaking eye contact, then set my empty glass on the bar. “Mm. You were right. That was good.”
She pushed away and wove through the crowd. Blood pumping hard, I looked after her, unable to do anything more than stare at her sexy ass and those gorgeous legs.
F*ck. Me. I was as hard as stone and even more determined to make that little siren surrender to me. Screw what my House wanted. Screw what my associates wanted. I had to have her.
I would have her one way or another.


Elisabeth Naughton’s SURRENDER – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
June 13th
Read-Love-Blog – Excerpt
The Reading Cafe – Review & Excerpt
June 14th
Cup of Tea Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Literary misfit – Review & Excerpt
SBB Reviews – Review
June 15th
Becky on Books – Review & Excerpt
Nerdy Dirty & Flirty – Review & Excerpt
June 16th
Ash P Reads – Review & Excerpt
Canadian Book Addict – Review & Excerpt
June 17th
Evermore Books – Review & Excerpt
Sofia Loves Books – Review
June 18th
Read Review Repeat – Review & Excerpt
Reads All the Books – Review & Excerpt
The Heathers' Blog – Excerpt
June 19th
Louise's Book Buzz – Review
Nadine's Obsessed with Books – Review & Excerpt
June 20th
Books 2 Blog – Review & Excerpt
Obsessive Reading Disorder – Review & Excerpt
Ruby's Books –Review & Excerpt
June 21st
Only One More Page – Review & Excerpt
June 22nd
Bookgasms Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Romance Schmomance – Review & Excerpt
ABOUT ELISABETH NAUGHTON: Elisabeth Naughton is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. From Elisabeth: “I was never one of those people who knew they wanted to be an author at the age of six. I didn’t have imaginary friends. I didn’t write stories in my journal or entertain my relatives by firelight after Thanksgiving dinner. For the most part, I was just a normal, everyday kid. I liked to read, but I wasn’t exceptional at it. And when my teachers complimented me on my writing abilities, I brushed them off. I did, however, always have a penchant for the unique and absurd. And as my mother told me all throughout my childhood, I should have been an actress—I was a drama queen before my time.

“Years ago, my husband bought me Scarlett: The Sequel to Gone With The Wind. If you ever saw the book, you know it’s a long one. I sat and read that thing from cover to cover, and dreamed of one day being a writer. But I didn’t actually try my hand at writing until years later when I quit my teaching job to stay home with my kids. And my husband? After that week of reading where I neglected him and everything else until I finished Scarlett, he vowed never to buy me another book again. Little did he know I’d one day end up sitting at a keyboard all day drafting my own stories.

“My writing journey has not been easy. I didn’t just sit down one day, decide I was going to write a book and voila! sell my very first attempt. As most authors will probably agree, the path to publication is filled with hours of work, pulling all-nighters I thought I’d given up in college, sacrifices, rejections, but a love I discovered along the way I just can’t live without. Instead of a big, thick book to read by lamplight (I do read much smaller ones when I get the chance), I’ve traded in my reading obsession for a laptop. And I’ve never been happier.

“I’m one of the lucky ones. I have a wonderful family and fabulous husband who put up with my writing—and obsessive personality—even when life is chaotic. More than once my kids have been late to swimming or baseball because I needed just five more minutes to finish a scene. Their support and encouragement mean the world to me. I also have amazing friends and a support network I couldn’t survive without. So to all of you out there who have encouraged me along the way, sent me emails and fan letters, phone calls and congratulations, I just want to say, thank you. You make this whole writing gig that much more enjoyable. I truly wouldn’t be here without you.”

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